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A Beginner's Guide to Winning Smart India Hackathon

This article, do not be misguided, is not about my journey in SIH. Instead, it is about how to win SIH, which I believe is a topic far more interesting for far more people.

Before you question my credibility, allow me to introduce myself. Hi, I am Ishika Jain. My team won SIH for the second time in 2023 and for the first time in 2022. I have also secured victories in other hackathons, including the "Most Inspirational Hack" in NASA Space Apps and Sahaj Nan(0). With participation in over 10 hackathons, I've garnered some insights worth sharing.

Is there a foolproof way to win SIH (or any hackathon )? Well, I'd argue there is, given that it has worked twice. But as wonderful as it would be to have a secret sauce for success, it must always be taken with a grain of salt. And while I would not hand over the baggage of our success to luck alone, I would also not discredit its occasional helping hand—like the time when our entire website crashed but Conveniently, we were the last ones to be judged, giving us enough time to bandage the product.

Each hackathon has its quirks. Some let you assemble teams moments before kick-off. SIH? Not so much. It's a marathon, not a sprint. To play it right, you have to be prepared.

Armour up, soldiers, because here we start.

Step 1: Form your dream team

  • Find good hackers: Hackers in this context are different from programmers. Hackers are solution finders, not just solution builders. Get yourself a team that is involved and innovative. If your friends don't fit into that criteria—well, then they don't. In addition to tech, look for a designer (the difference between a tacky website and an aesthetic one could be a winning one), an ideator (the fresher the idea, the more the impact), and a charismatic speaker (they will keep you entertained and the judges impressed)

Pro Tip: Get someone with an inclination towards business and marketing while still being technically proficient. They will be your mastermind, your strategist, or, as we call ours, the professor.

  • Embrace diversity: Ensure your team has as wide a variety of skill sets as you can find. Don't compromise compatibility for diversity, however. Vibes matter.

  • Know your team: Your team should be well-knit. A cohesive team trumps a discordant one. You're hacking solutions, not each other.

In an ideal world, you'd have your dream team in place from the start. In the real world, you will need to cultivate and shape individuals to fit these roles—while still encouraging them to think outside the box.

Step 2: Sacrifice a rubber duck to the coding gods. This step is crucial

Look up rubber duck debugging.

Step 3: Get a muddy idea and refine it till its clear

  • Read the problem statement: Read it 20 times in 20 different places at 20 different times - or maybe not, but ensure that you understand the problem statement clearly. Have each member read it and explain their understanding. Leverage everyone's unique perspective. (In SIH 2022, a competitor team was asked to redo everything they had done because they had not “understood the problem statement completely”)

  • Talk Talk Talk: Talk to different stakeholders to identify the problem. Problems are easier to solve when it is clear what the problem is. Conversations fuel clarity. (In Sih 2022 we emailed ~100 retired judges and were in close contact with around 10 stakeholders: from judges, lawyers, advocates, and law students to families involved in court cases)

Problems are easier to solve when it is clear what the problem is. Conversations fuel clarity.

  • Market Research: Does a similar product exist? What does it lack? How is your product better? Is it unique? Scout competition, identify gaps, and flaunt your uniqueness. I would say at least 30% uniqueness in the idea alone, apart from the tech. (In Sih 2022, our market research made such a significant impact on the judges that they acknowledged us after dinner. They went so far as to introduce us to their colleagues and even captured a memorable selfie with us. While the selfie moment wasn't directly tied to our research, it underscored just how much the judges valued our presentation and efforts and no - we did not get the selfie from their phone.)

  • Know Your Idea: Inside Out. Upside down. Sideways. Address potential flaws before the judges do. A flaw can be disguised as a feature if found in time. (Only speak about them if asked, do not dig your own grave). Anticipate judge queries and be prepared for them. (In Sih 2022 we were asked why we were using mongoDB when SQL would have been a better fit. we did not have an answer. In SIH 2023, we knew it was because collaborating on a cloud platform like Atlas made the process from a hackathon point of view faster )

  • Jugaad: This one is controversial but I believe one should know when to use this weapon. Your entire product should not be a jugaad but if you need a screw to hold up the door to your castle, use a damn screw.

After all, it is a hackathon - a few hacks are allowed.

Step 4: Build to perfection.

This is your magnum opus. Plan meticulously and code diligently. While I won't delve extensively into this step since it can get super specific, it remains pivotal. Ultimately, it's a hackathon, and your product and its technology are under scrutiny. Preparation is crucial, and each problem statement requires a distinct approach. In general - plan before your build, know your tech stack, use git and push constantly.

Step 5: Pitch and Pray

  • Tell them everything you have: Judges rely on the information you provide, so be candid about every detail. If there were plans you couldn't execute, communicate them. If you initially pursued an idea but later deemed it impractical, share that insight.

Be transparent about your journey, hurdles, and pivots. Keep the clock in mind though.

  • Back it up like your life depends on it: Every small thing on your project should be backed by reason. Whether it's a question on why a button is blue or why you chose a certain tech - for every question have an answer. Stand your ground, be confident but not cocky. (In SIH 2022, the judges critiqued our product for its lack of practicality. Our response? We highlighted that the stakeholders found it remarkable. This pivotal moment underscored our success: convincing them that our product isn't just good—it's essential.)

  • Glitter: There is nothing more eye-catching than glitter. Make sure your product and pitch have their glitter. Remember, glitter lingers. Incorporate impactful elements that resonate, embedding themselves firmly in the judges' minds. (In sih 2023 - our product, a real-time infrastructure monitoring system- went one step ahead and included a project management software - it was not the only thing we had but having it made the project look complete and ready to use as opposed to a WIP )

  • Know your judges: This might not always work but it did for us (In our experience, when faced with panels that included business analysts, our strategic advantage became evident. Incorporating a Business Model Canvas (BMC) and competitor analysis into our pitch set us apart from the competition and earned us brownie points)

  • Pray to the heavenly lords: Mistakes are inevitable. Our entire app crashed minutes before finals leaving us with nothing to show. But when life throws lemons, we make a lemon tart. And When nothing else works - we revert the changes. (In SIH 2023, I faced a significant hiccup during our final presentation, struggling with stammering and eventually falling silent. Yet, my team's expertise and readiness shone through. Without hesitation, they seamlessly assumed control and finished the pitch. An important lesson: every team member should be prepared with the pitch for such scenarios. Our collective effort not only salvaged the situation but also resonated with the judges. Their feedback highlighted our team's synchronized knowledge and collaborative spirit, garnering us unexpected recognition.)

Bonus tips: Flattery is good as long as you can be discreet (in Sih 2023, we used the judge's name as our sample user).

Bonus tip 2: Do not send your judges a LinkedIn request before or during the hackathon.

Step 6: Use the opportunity

Learn a lot. Network a lot. Have fun. Make memories. Record as much as you can. and Celebrate your victory. Remember, it's not about fame or fortune. It's about the experience and, of course, the bragging rights. And finally, turn that hackathon project into the next unicorn startup or, at the very least, a hilarious story to tell at parties.

And there you have it, folks! While some may say it's all about the code, the caffeine, or the endless nights of debugging, the real secret sauce? Well, it's a mix of strategy, teamwork, a touch of luck, and maybe sacrificing a rubber duck or two to the coding gods. Remember, in the world of hackathons, it's not always about who codes the fastest but who tells the most compelling story with their code. So, assemble your dream team, polish that pitch, and who knows? Your next hackathon might just be the start of something legendary—or at the very least, a tale sprinkled with glitter, rubber ducks, and a few unexpected selfies. Happy hacking!

Top comments (1)

incharajayaram profile image
Inchara J

Really insightful! Congratulations on winning!