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When it will get over?

Nothing just feeling little bit depressive, thought about doing many things but the first step always seems to be difficult, no matter how much shorter the journey is supposed to be. It seems like i am the only one remaining in friend circle left behind still thinking about what to do , James seems to be hiding his something ,wasn't I helpful to him when there was no one listening him. Maybe helping others has set a limit to my growth nothing seems joyful nowadays , wasting time on scrolling on web surfaces . nothing just depressed with whatever you might call , well doesn't matters to anyone everyone has to look out for themselves after all they deserve a moment of relief too. Nothing left in pockets too its my 3rd day of sleeping with nothing in this trash can even the shopkeeper is getting tired of me asking him to charge this old piece of trash which has an very rare extinct cable , might be a little awkward ,depressing ,hopeless or whatever you it. But only the suffering one knows how it is to be at this stage of life aha made someone a little sad. Please be hopeful no one deserves to be here . I helped James what if he didn't helped me , it doesn't matters i will help him again if he needs me. the fact is that no one deserves to be left alone. thinking why you reading this shit friend you have the same story as mine maybe you are the James or me. Well at least You have hope an i don't........(wont read it again to look out for mistake's)

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