Not long ago that I came across with the concept of testing specifically "writing tests". I used to test everything by opening browsers and doing e...
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Everything looks very simple and clear, thanks for the guide. I just recently started diving into the world of programming by picking up math from textbooks with just for myself. So now I'm collecting different guides to better understand how it all works and where to start. I'm interested in learning React now and I'm thinking of taking some more courses to get practical skills and a certificate to work with.
The series is going great :)
Wow.. It work. thank you
I did exactly what you did but I'm getting Syntax Error can't use import outside of module.
This is my package.json
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"start": "react-scripts start",
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"test": "jest",
"coverage": "jest --coverage",
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my jest.config and jest.setup are exactly the same
What am i missing here?
@sarahfarjallah Try also adding
"type": "module"
in yourpackage.json
Sadly it didn't work
My project is a typescript one, so I changed the config you suggest to the below and it works pretty well. Practical read, great help, thanks
module.exports = {
collectCoverage: true,
collectCoverageFrom: ['src/**/*.{ts,tsx}'],
coverageDirectory: 'coverage',
testEnvironment: 'jsdom',
setupFilesAfterEnv: ['<rootDir>/jest.setup.js']
It works thanks , This article is really helpful , but one question in my project there is file setupTests.js in which import '@testing-library/jest-dom' is done and works but doing a separte file jest.setup.js does 'nt work
I have a problem in my project. Previously, enzyme and jest were used for testing. But when we updating the react version, enzyme became deprecated. So it was decided to start using Jest with React testing library.
I did all the installation´s steps that is detailed in this post, but when running jest I get the error TypeError: Cannot destructure property 'config' of 'cacheKeyOptions' as it is undefined. Could someone help me to solve it?
Nice easy to follow guide.
It is depressing to read create a .js (JAVASCRIPT FILE) file and write import "@testing-library/jest-dom" (TYPESCRIPT SYNTAX)
Thank you again!!
I'm getting this error, spent hours on this but it is still like this
Helo saumya , the same error log i too got
Had u still stuck here ?
@dev_prox_c09316b57d756937 did you try adding
"type": "module"
in yourpackage.json
?Yes, but it was not working even after that.
very nice series!