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Remi W.
Remi W.

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Eleventy Starter Boilerplate, project template for 11ty

Eleventy Starter Boilerplate by creativedesignsguru

Recently, I have migrated my blog to Eleventy generator. So, I built a starter kit for this purpose. Now, I hope it could be also useful for someone else.

Please check the GitHub repository to see all included features:

GitHub logo ixartz / Eleventy-Starter-Boilerplate

🚀 Eleventy Starter is production-ready with SEO-friendly for quickly starting a blog. ⚡ Built with Eleventy, ESLint, Prettier, Webpack, PostCSS, Tailwind CSS and Netlify CMS (optional).

Eleventy Starter Boilerplate

Eleventy starter banner

🚀 Eleventy Starter Boilerplate is production-ready with SEO-friendly for quickly starting a blog. ⚡️ Built with Eleventy, ESLint, Prettier, Webpack, PostCSS, Tailwind CSS and Netlify CMS (optional).

Clone this project and use it to create your own Eleventy blog. You can check a Eleventy templates demo.


Production-ready in mind:

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