A React Starter Template to start any project in perfect condition with Next JS, Webpack 5, Tailwind CSS. It was built for developer experience in mind with type checking (TypeScript), linter (ESLint) and Code formatter (Prettier).
The project has reached 500+ โญ stars on GitHub.
You can test the React Starter Template live demo.
๐๐๐ Boilerplate and Starter for Next.js 14+ with App Router and Page Router support, Tailwind CSS 3.4 and TypeScript โก๏ธ Made with developer experience first: Next.js + TypeScript + ESLint + Prettier + Drizzle ORM + Husky + Lint-Staged + Vitest + Testing Library + Playwright + Storybook + Commitlint + VSCode + Netlify + PostCSS + Tailwind CSS โจ
Boilerplate and Starter for Next.js 14+, Tailwind CSS 3.4, and TypeScript.
๐ Boilerplate and Starter for Next.js with App Router, Tailwind CSS, and TypeScript โก๏ธ Prioritizing developer experience first: Next.js, TypeScript, ESLint, Prettier, Husky, Lint-Staged, Vitest (replacing Jest), Testing Library, Playwright, Commitlint, VSCode, Tailwind CSS, Authentication with Clerk, Database with DrizzleORM (PostgreSQL, SQLite, and MySQL), Error Monitoring with Sentry, Logging with Pino.js and Log Management, Monitoring as Code, Storybook, Multi-language (i18n), and more. Ready for Next.js 15.
Clone this project and use it to create your own Next.js project. You can check out the live demo at Next.js Boilerplate, which includes a working authentication system.
Live demo: Next.js Boilerplate
Developer experience first, extremely flexible code structure and only keep what you need:
- โก Next.js with App Router support
- ๐ฅ Type checking TypeScript
- ๐ Integrate with Tailwindโฆ
Built with latest technology
Here is the stack:
- React 17
- Next JS 11
- Tailwind CSS 2 with JIT
- TypeScript 4.4
- React 17
- ESLint for TypeScript
- with Next JS default configuration and Next JS Core Web Vitals
- with Airbnb configuration
- Prettier, integrated to ESLint
- Husky
- Lint-Staged
- Running linter
- Running type checking before committing
- PostCSS for Tailwind CSS and integrated to styled-jsx, NextJS default CSS-in-JS library
- VSCode configuration
- Debugging configuration
- VSCode Extension
- VSCode Settings
- Strict Mode for TypeScript and React
- SEO with Next-seo
- Bundler Analyzer
- One click deploy
- Vercel
- Or, Netlify
- Or, you can deploy manually to any hosting service
Nextless JS, React SaaS Boilerplate Template
Nextless JS uses the same tech stack to build a SaaS product. It helps you to save time and you can focus on your products.
You can find more information on the tech stack at Nextless.js SaaS Boilerplate
You get everything you need to build a SaaS with:
- Landing Page
- User Dashboard
- Authentication
- Highly scalable backend
- Infra as code
- Stripe Integration with Subscription payment
Following the best practice in web development, you can easily customize to meet your needs and requirements. You can now launch your SaaS product better and faster.
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