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Solving Duplicate Payment Processing with ActiveMQ in Spring Boot

Duplicate payment processing is a common problem in financial systems that can lead to customer frustration, financial losses, and reputation damage. In this article, we will explore how to resolve this issue using ActiveMQ, a robust message broker, within a Spring Boot application. We will provide a step-by-step guide and example code to help you understand and implement this solution effectively.

Understanding the Problem

Duplicate payments occur when a customer’s payment request is processed more than once, resulting in multiple charges to their account. This problem can arise due to various reasons, such as network issues, system failures, or application errors. Handling duplicate payments is critical to maintaining the integrity of a financial system and ensuring customer trust.

ActiveMQ: A Messaging Solution

ActiveMQ is an open-source message broker that provides reliable messaging between distributed systems. It is well-suited for solving issues related to duplicate payment processing, as it enables communication between various parts of a system, ensuring that payment requests are processed only once.

Using ActiveMQ to Resolve Duplicate Payment Processing

Here’s a step-by-step guide to resolving the issue of duplicate payment processing with ActiveMQ in a Spring Boot application:

1. Setup ActiveMQ:

Start by downloading and installing ActiveMQ on your server. You can find detailed installation instructions on the Apache ActiveMQ website.

Step 1: Pull the ActiveMQ Docker image:

docker pull rmohr/activemq

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Step 2: Start an ActiveMQ container, exposing ports 61616 and 8161:

docker run -d --name activemq -p 61616:61616 -p 8161:8161 rmohr/activemq

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2. Create a Spring Boot Application:

Create a Spring Boot application or use an existing one that handles payment requests. You can start a new project using Spring Initializr.

3. Add ActiveMQ Dependencies:

In your Spring Boot project’s pom.xml, add the following dependencies to enable ActiveMQ integration:

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4. Configure ActiveMQ:

Configure ActiveMQ by providing connection details in your or application.yml file:
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Adjust the URL, username, and password as needed for your ActiveMQ setup.

5. Create a Payment Request Queue:

In your Spring Boot application, create a queue that will hold incoming payment requests. This queue will act as a buffer for processing requests.

public class PaymentRequestQueueService {
    private JmsTemplate jmsTemplate;

    public void sendPaymentRequest(PaymentRequest request) {
        jmsTemplate.convertAndSend("payment-request-queue", request);
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6. Implement Payment Processing Logic:

Implement your payment processing logic, ensuring that it checks for duplicate requests before processing them.

public class PaymentService {
    @JmsListener(destination = "payment-request-queue")
    public void processPaymentRequest(PaymentRequest request) {
        // Check for duplicate payment requests based on a unique identifier (e.g., transaction ID).
        if (!isDuplicatePayment(request.getTransactionId())) {
            // Process the payment request.
            // Mark the request as processed to prevent duplicates.

    private boolean isDuplicatePayment(String transactionId) {
        // Check your database or a cache to see if a payment with the same transaction ID has already been processed.
        // Return true if it's a duplicate, false if it's a new request.
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7. Handle Payment Confirmation:

Once the payment request is successfully processed, you can use ActiveMQ to send a confirmation message to another queue, notifying other components of the successful payment

public class PaymentConfirmationService {
    private JmsTemplate jmsTemplate;

    public void sendPaymentConfirmation(PaymentConfirmation confirmation) {
        jmsTemplate.convertAndSend("payment-confirmation-queue", confirmation);
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8 . Configuring the Payment Confirmation Queue:

Similarly, create a queue for payment confirmations, and ensure other parts of your system listen to this queue for further processing.

9. Test the Solution:

Test your Spring Boot application with ActiveMQ integration to ensure that payment requests are processed only once and that duplicate payments are effectively prevented.


By integrating ActiveMQ with your Spring Boot application, you can effectively resolve the problem of duplicate payment processing. The message queuing system provided by ActiveMQ helps ensure that payment requests are processed only once and enables better control over your financial system’s integrity. Using this solution, you can prevent customer frustration, financial losses, and maintain the trust of your customers.

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