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Versioning RESTful APIs with Spring Boot: A Step-by-Step Guide in 5 minutes

API versioning is a crucial aspect of software development, especially when it comes to maintaining and extending an existing codebase. By implementing versioning, you can introduce new features without breaking the existing functionality. In this guide, we will walk you through how to implement API versioning in a Spring Boot application using URL versioning. We will create two versions of a simple Task API, allowing you to extend the features while minimizing the impact on existing logic.


Before you begin, make sure you have the following prerequisites:

  • Basic knowledge of Java and Spring Boot.
  • A Spring Boot project set up.

Step by step to create versioning in Spring boot

Step 1: Define the Task Class

The first step is to define the Task class, which will represent the data model for our API. Here's a basic example:

public class Task {
    private Long id;
    private String name;

    // Constructors, getters, setters, etc.
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Step 2: Create the TaskService Interface

Create the TaskService interface, which will define the operations for managing tasks. This interface will serve as the contract for both API versions. For now, let's keep it minimal:

public interface TaskService {
    List<Task> getAllTasks();
    Task getTaskById(Long id);
    Task createTask(Task task);
    Task updateTask(Long id, Task task);
    void deleteTask(Long id);
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Step 3: Create the TaskServiceV1Impl to extend TaskService:

public class TaskServiceV1Impl implements TaskService {
    protected List<Task> tasks = new ArrayList<>();
    protected Long nextId = 1L;

    public List<Task> getAllTasks() {
        return tasks;

    public Task getTaskById(Long id) {
        // Implementation for getting a task by ID

    public Task createTask(Task task) {
        // Implementation for creating a task

    public Task updateTask(Long id, Task task) {
        // Implementation for updating a task

    public void deleteTask(Long id) {
        // Implementation for deleting a task
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Step 4. Create TaskServiceV2Impl by extending TaskServiceV1Impl and overriding only the methods you want to change for version 2 (e.g., createTask):

public class TaskServiceV2Impl extends TaskServiceV1Impl {
    public Task createTask(Task task) {
        // Your custom logic for creating tasks in version 2
        Task createdTask = new Task();
        // Implement your custom logic here
        return createdTask;
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In this version, you extend only the createTask method, while all other methods are inherited from TaskServiceV1Impl.

This approach allows you to inherit the methods from the base class and override only the specific methods you want to change in version 2. It keeps your code organized, promotes code reusability, and reduces duplicated code while ensuring that version 1 logic remains unaffected.

Step 5: Create Versioned Controllers
Create versioned controllers to expose the APIs for both versions:

public class TaskControllerV1 {
    private final TaskService taskService;

    public TaskControllerV1(@Qualifier("v1") TaskService taskService) {
        this.taskService = taskService;

    public List<Task> getAllTasks() {
        return taskService.getAllTasks();

    // Define other endpoints for v1 here

public class TaskControllerV2 {
    private final TaskService taskService;

    public TaskControllerV2(@Qualifier("v2") TaskService taskService) {
        this.taskService = taskService;

    public List<Task> getAllTasks() {
        return taskService.getAllTasks();

    // Define other endpoints for v2 here
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Benefits of API Versioning

API versioning is a fundamental practice in software development, especially in a world where applications are constantly evolving. It offers several key benefits:

  1. Backward Compatibility: By versioning your APIs, you ensure that existing clients and systems continue to function as expected. This means you can introduce new features or make changes without disrupting the users of the previous version.
  2. Smoother Transition: Versioning allows for a gradual and controlled transition between versions. It gives developers the flexibility to update their systems at their own pace, reducing the risk of abrupt and potentially disruptive changes.
  3. Clear Documentation: API versioning provides a clear way to document and communicate changes. Clients can refer to specific versions of the API to understand what is supported and what might have changed.
  4. Improved Testing: Separate versions of the API make testing and quality assurance more manageable. It allows for focused testing on the changes specific to a particular version, reducing the risk of regressions.
  5. Future-Proofing: Versioning enables you to plan for the future. You can design your API with the knowledge that it will evolve, making it easier to adapt to changing requirements and customer feedback.

Incorporating API versioning is a best practice that contributes to the maintainability and reliability of your software over time, ensuring that you can continue to meet the needs of your users while minimizing disruptions to existing systems.

Challenges and Considerations

While API versioning is a valuable practice, it's essential to be aware of potential challenges, including issues related to database schema changes and data consistency. Here are some cons to consider when dealing with versioning:

  1. Database Schema Changes: If your API versions involve changes to the underlying database schema, such as adding or removing columns, it can lead to database versioning problems. Different API versions might need different database structures, which can be complex to manage.
  2. Data Migration: When you modify the database schema, you often need to perform data migrations to ensure that existing data complies with the new schema. This process can be error-prone, time-consuming, and may require careful planning.
  3. Data Consistency: In a multi-version API environment, ensuring data consistency across versions can be challenging. For example, if version 1 and version 2 of your API handle data differently, you need to manage data transitions effectively to prevent inconsistencies.
  4. Increased Complexity: Managing multiple API versions, each with potentially unique database requirements, can add complexity to your application. This complexity can make maintenance and troubleshooting more challenging.
  5. Compatibility Testing: Testing all API versions and their interactions with the database can be cumbersome. It's vital to maintain a comprehensive set of tests to ensure compatibility between versions, which requires extra effort.
  6. Performance Overheads: Supporting multiple API versions might introduce some performance overhead, particularly if there are extensive data transformations or adaptations to be made between versions.

To mitigate these issues, it's essential to carefully plan your API versioning strategy, maintain thorough documentation, and consider the use of database migration tools. Also, adopting a robust version control system and database version control practices can help manage schema changes more effectively.

While there are challenges associated with API versioning, the benefits often outweigh the cons, especially when it comes to maintaining long-term software projects and ensuring a positive user experience. Careful planning and the use of best practices can help minimize potential pitfalls and ensure a smooth transition between API versions.

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