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50 Things I Wish I'd Known at My First Developer Job (Part 2)

Jacob Herrington (he/him) on August 20, 2019

This is part 2! 26. Culture fit is dangerous Culture fit might be one of the most dangerous concepts in any hiring process. My first j...
fsuffieldcode profile image

"The truth is, just by knowing how to build a basic UI with HTML/CSS and a sprinkle of JavaScript, the market has determined that you are extremely valuable."

Is that true? As an aspiring web developer that is very promising.

jacobherrington profile image
Jacob Herrington (he/him)

You're more valuable than the huge number of people on Earth who can't make websites. 😉

louisefindlay23 profile image

That's a great point, Jacob. As I'm more of a designer, that's the current level of my skills but I've never thought of it that way.

tevdevelops profile image
Tevin Rivera

Thank you for the great post; I am 4 months in at my most recent job, and all these tips made me feel way less embarrassed. It's the posts like these that really help the dev community on a whole. Thanks again Jacob!

jacobherrington profile image
Jacob Herrington (he/him)

Glad I can help! My first dev job was really hard on my mental health, try not to take it too seriously for the first year or so ;)

felestor profile image
Nestro Felipe

Hi Jacob, nice post.

Could you please explain more the number 34. Actually I found the definition of 'Whiteboarding',

Whiteboarding in IT refers to the manipulation of digital files on a visual digital whiteboard.

But I am still lost =(

jacobherrington profile image
Jacob Herrington (he/him)

I'm glad you like it!

It's an interviewing tactic. I write a bit more about it in another post I made this week:

rajab512 profile image

Amazing man , hopefully it will help me as I am just around the corner to step into the industry.

jacobherrington profile image
Jacob Herrington (he/him)

Good luck! I hope this stuff is helpful :)

iarmankhan profile image
Arman Khan

Thank you for this master piece! I will remeber every point from this.

tepythai profile image
Tepy Thai

Hi Jacob, thanks for writing this great article. I'm doing my first internship right now and I can confirm that most of your points are solid, even if it's been only 2 weeks 😅.

janessatran profile image
Janessa Tran

I feel like this is something I'm going to coming back to quite often, thank you so much for writing this all out!