Main reason to use it
The essential idea with useMemo and useCallback is that it makes possible to "remember" a computed value / callback between renders. So we want to use it as a prevention against re-rendering which can use resources in a unwanted way.
const calculation = useMemo(()=>{
The useMemo Hook accepts a second parameter to declare dependencies. The expensive heavyCalculation function will only run when its dependencies have changed. It will check if the parameter "count" has changed. If not the function will not be re-rendered.
const calculation = useCallback((id)=>{
setUsers(users.filter((user) => !== id))
The useCallback Hook also accepts a second parameter to declare dependencies. That's the biggest difference between useMemo and useCallbackis are that the first one get function and return memoized value, the second get function and returns memoized callback.
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