When faced with a complex UI component like a file explorer, many developers struggle with where to start. What seemed like a straightforward task—displaying files and folders with expand/collapse functionality—quickly becomes overwhelming without a systematic approach.
In this article, I'll share a powerful framework for architecting UI components, using a file explorer as our case study. By breaking down the problem methodically, we can transform complexity into a clear, maintainable solution.
The Architectural Framework
1. Domain Modeling
Begin by understanding what you're representing:
- What are the core entities?
- How do they relate to each other?
- What data structures best represent them?
File Explorer Example:
type FileSystemNode = {
id: number;
name: string;
children?: FileSystemNode[]; // Present for directories, absent for files
This recursive type elegantly captures both files (leaf nodes without children) and directories (nodes with children). By recognizing this pattern early, we lay a foundation for our component design.
2. Component Decomposition
Identify distinct responsibilities in your UI:
- What are the logical separation points?
- Which parts have different responsibilities?
- How do these parts relate to each other?
File Explorer Example:
: Container component that initializes the explorer -
: List processing component that handles organizing items -
: Individual item component that renders files/directories
Each component has a clear, single responsibility, making the code more maintainable and easier to reason about.
3. Data Flow Planning
Map how data moves through your components:
- Where does data enter the system?
- What transformations does it undergo?
- Where does recursion occur (if applicable)?
File Explorer Example:
- Root data enters via
processes the data:- Separates directories from files
- Sorts each group alphabetically
- Combines with directories first
- Individual items are rendered via
- When a directory is expanded,
recursively renders anotherFileList
This clear data flow makes the system's behavior predictable and debuggable.
4. State Management Strategy
Determine what state you need and where it belongs:
- What state is required?
- Where should each piece of state live?
- How do state changes propagate?
File Explorer Example:
- Expanded/collapsed state for directories is managed locally in each
- State changes (toggling expanded state) are handled via click handlers on directories
- No global state is needed, as each directory manages its own expanded/collapsed state
This local state approach keeps the component clean and avoids unnecessary complexity.
5. Interaction Design
Plan how users will interact with your components:
- What actions can users take?
- How does the UI respond to these actions?
- How does the UI communicate its current state?
File Explorer Example:
- Users click on directories to expand/collapse them
- Expanded directories show their contents; collapsed ones hide them
- Visual indicators (like +/- symbols) show the current state of each directory
The File Explorer Implementation
Putting it all together, our architecture leads to this implementation:
// FileExplorer.jsx - The container component
function FileExplorer({ data }) {
return (
<FileList fileList={data} level={1} />
// FileList.jsx - The list processing component
function FileList({ fileList, level }) {
// Process: separate directories and files
const directories = fileList.filter(item => item.children);
const files = fileList.filter(item => !item.children);
// Sort each group alphabetically
directories.sort((a, b) => a.name.localeCompare(b.name));
files.sort((a, b) => a.name.localeCompare(b.name));
// Combine with directories first
const items = [...directories, ...files];
return (
<ul className="file-list">
{items.map(item => (
<FileObject key={item.id} file={item} level={level} />
// FileObject.jsx - The individual item component
function FileObject({ file, level }) {
const [expanded, setExpanded] = useState(false);
const isDirectory = Boolean(file.children);
return (
onClick={() => isDirectory && setExpanded(!expanded)}
style={{ paddingLeft: `${level * 10}px` }}
{file.name} {isDirectory && (expanded ? '[-]' : '[+]')}
{isDirectory && expanded && (
<FileList fileList={file.children} level={level + 1} />
Benefits of This Approach
By following this framework:
- Clarity: Each component has a clear purpose
- Maintainability: Changes to one aspect won't break others
- Scalability: The solution can handle complex hierarchies
- Reusability: Components can be reused in other contexts
- Testability: Components can be tested in isolation
Beyond File Explorers
This framework applies to many UI challenges:
- Comment threads with nested replies
- Organization charts
- Menu systems with submenus
- Category hierarchies in e-commerce
- Document outlines with collapsible sections
Any time you encounter a problem with hierarchical data and interactive UI elements, this framework can guide your architecture.
Architecting UI components requires more than just coding skills—it demands a structured approach to problem-solving. By following the framework outlined here, you can transform complex requirements into elegant, maintainable solutions.
The next time you're faced with a challenging UI component, try breaking it down using these five steps:
- Domain Modeling
- Component Decomposition
- Data Flow Planning
- State Management Strategy
- Interaction Design
Your future self (and colleagues) will thank you for the clear, well-structured code that results.
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