
Jake Lacey
Jake Lacey

Posted on

vscode package recommendations

I love using extensions in vscode. However one of the things that worries me is what if another engineer on the project doesn't have this installed. How do they discover the package and have the option to install it if they want.

I don't have to worry about this anymore as vscode allows you to create a .extensions file in the ./.vscode directory, within your project. Which can look something like this....

    "recommendations": [
        "the-name.of-the-package" // which can be found by looking to the title on the packages page.....

Now when someone does a search for @recommendations, these packages which come up.

This also has the added benefit where I can find an extension for a specific project that I'm working on from time to time, document it in this file and then install it in the future when I come back to the project.

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