Having a react app setup with create-react-app, using babel v7.8.3 and having a CI/CD pipeline in Azure DevOps, I noticed builds failing whilst trying to run npm install
What happened?
The standard node version in Azure DevOps was increased from v12.16.3 to v12.17.0 which resulted in the error.
Trying to locate the actual problem I stumbled upon the following issue in the babel repository:
No "exports" main resolved in @babel/helper-compilation-targets/package.json #11216
Bug Report
Current Behavior
Since an update to node 13.10.1 I have a problem while building an application with babel-loader
Error [ERR_PACKAGE_PATH_NOT_EXPORTED]: No "exports" main resolved in node_modules/@babel/helper-compilation-targets/package.json
Expected behavior/code It should build correctly
Babel Configuration (babel.config.js, .babelrc, package.json#babel, cli command, .eslintrc)
- Filename:
const baseConfig = {
presets: [
useBuiltIns: 'entry',
corejs: 3,
plugins: [
['@babel/plugin-proposal-class-properties', { loose: true }],
isTesting && 'babel-plugin-dynamic-import-node-babel-7',
module.exports = {
sourceType: 'unambiguous',
plugins: [
legacy: true,
root: ['./'],
alias: {
'react-router-dom': './packages/components/Router',
'@@react-router-dom': './node_modules/react-router-dom',
env: {
test: {
plugins: [
OS: macOS Mojave 10.14.6
Node: 13.10.1 - /usr/local/bin/node
Yarn: 1.22.0 - /usr/local/bin/yarn
npm: 6.14.2 - /usr/local/bin/npm
Yarn Workspaces: 1.22.0
@babel/core: ^7.8.3 => 7.8.3
@babel/plugin-proposal-class-properties: ^7.8.3 => 7.8.3
@babel/plugin-proposal-decorators: ^7.8.3 => 7.8.3
@babel/plugin-proposal-export-namespace-from: ^7.8.3 => 7.8.3
@babel/plugin-proposal-function-sent: ^7.8.3 => 7.8.3
@babel/plugin-proposal-json-strings: ^7.8.3 => 7.8.3
@babel/plugin-proposal-numeric-separator: ^7.8.3 => 7.8.3
@babel/plugin-proposal-optional-chaining: ^7.8.3 => 7.8.3
@babel/plugin-proposal-throw-expressions: ^7.8.3 => 7.8.3
@babel/plugin-syntax-dynamic-import: ^7.8.3 => 7.8.3
@babel/plugin-syntax-import-meta: ^7.8.3 => 7.8.3
@babel/preset-env: ^7.8.3 => 7.8.3
@babel/preset-flow: ^7.8.3 => 7.8.3
@babel/preset-react: ^7.8.3 => 7.8.3
@babel/preset-typescript: ^7.8.3 => 7.8.3
babel-eslint: ^10.0.3 => 10.0.3
babel-loader: ^8.0.6 => 8.0.6
babel-plugin-idx: ^2.4.0 => 2.4.0
babel-plugin-lodash: ^3.3.4 => 3.3.4
babel-plugin-macros: ^2.8.0 => 2.8.0
babel-plugin-module-resolver: ^4.0.0 => 4.0.0
babel-plugin-styled-components: ^1.10.7 => 1.10.7
eslint: ^6.8.0 => 6.8.0
jest: ^25.1.0 => 25.1.0
webpack: ^4.41.5 => 4.41.5
Possible Solution snowpack resolved the error like this. Maybe this could work here too.
Edits by @jlhwung
Solution This is a regression in Node.js. If you hit this issue from search engines, please choose one of the following solutions
- update
deps to v7.8.7 - use Node < 13.9
- wait until nodejs/node#32107 is fixed! (Probably in the next Node.js patch release).
Fastest Solution
The fastest solution was to simply define the node.js version in the build pipeline.
1. Add Node.js tool installer
Before running any npm comands in your pipeline add te Node.js tool installer
as a task.
2. Configure Task
In the Node.js tool installer
you are able to simply set the node version to for example 12.16.3.
Using the Node.js tool installer
can add up to 10 seconds to your build process depending on the used agent.
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