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Java lambda expression

Java is a language multiple platform that used by the most developers.
After java 8 oracle add a lot of features to java like lambda

All know anonymous class that we can implement method of class in time executing time

Lambda is just anonymous class that implement a one method of interface

Lambda syntax

// first
l = ()->{ statements };
// second
l = (arg,arg2,arg3,...args)->{ statements };
// third
l = (n)->n; is like (n)->{ return n;};

*** Lambda rules ***

  • lambda implement just a one interface and interface most have a one method
  • lambda can take 0,* args
  • lambda can be implement anywhere
  • lambda can be return by any method
  • lambda can not be returning by itself
  • lambda can be passed as args

** Let begin with simple example **

 interface  says {
     public void show();

public class Lambda  {

    public static void main(String[] args) {

            says  msg = ()->{ System.out.println("hello world");};
  ; // hello world



Lambda example with args

 interface  says {
     public void show(String name);

public class Lambda  {

    public static void main(String[] args) {

           says msg = (name)->{ System.out.println("hello world "+ name );};
  "jamal"); // hello world jamal



** Lambda with return by another method **

 interface  says {
     public void show(String name);

public class Lambda  {

    public static says m(String msg){

        return (name)->{ System.out.println(msg+" "+name);};

    public static void main(String[] args) {

         m("hello world").show("jamal");

         m("hello world").show("mohammed");



** passing Lambda as arg of a method **

 interface  says {
     public void show(String name);

public class Lambda  {

    public static void m(says l,String name){;


    public static void main(String[] args) {





             for (int i=0;i<name.length();i++) {


         },"hello world");


the last example is most used in practice

Java had do a effort to integrate lambda but it's just anonymous class ,
while JavaScript has arrow function that very easy to use

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