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James Robert
James Robert

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Quick Guide to Installing Android SDK Platform Tools on macOS and Windows

Are you looking to set up Android SDK Platform Tools but don’t know where to start? Whether you're an app developer or just looking to interact with your Android device via the command line, this guide will help you install the tools on both macOS and Windows.

The Android SDK Platform Tools package provides essential command-line tools for managing Android devices, debugging applications, and more. Below is a quick guide to get you up and running.

Why Install Android SDK Platform Tools?

Before we dive into the steps, let’s briefly understand why these tools are crucial for anyone working with Android devices:

  • Install and uninstall applications
  • Run shell commands on Android devices
  • Debug apps
  • Flash device images (for advanced users)

Want to dive deeper into these features? Check out the full guide here.

Installing on macOS

Option 1: Homebrew Installation (Recommended)
For macOS users, Homebrew provides the easiest way to install Android SDK Platform Tools.

  1. Install Homebrew if you don’t have it:
    /bin/bash -c "$(curl -fsSL"

  2. Use Homebrew to install the tools:
    brew install --cask android-platform-tools

For more detailed instructions, including how to verify installation, check out the full guide.

Option 2: Manual Installation

Prefer doing things manually? You can download and set up the tools directly from the official Android Developer website.

  • Download the ZIP file.
  • Extract the contents and move the folder to a directory like /usr/local.

Want the full step-by-step guide, including how to set the PATH variable? Click here to view the detailed process.

Installing on Windows

For Windows users, the process is straightforward. Here’s a quick overview:

  1. Download the Android SDK Platform Tools from the official site.
  2. Extract the ZIP file and open Command Prompt or PowerShell.
  3. Optionally, add the platform-tools folder to your system’s PATH for easier access. Need more details on how to configure your system’s PATH? Head over to the complete guide for a full walkthrough.

Final Tips

Installing the Android SDK Platform Tools is just the first step. Keeping the tools updated and exploring advanced configurations can significantly enhance your Android development experience.

If you’re looking for advanced configurations, such as debugging or running shell commands, I’ve covered everything in the original post here.

Happy coding!

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