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Setting up a Django Project On Ubuntu 22.04 - Beginners Guide

Django is a python-based web framework that follows the model-template-views (MTV) architectural pattern. It comes with ready-made components to use, and you can build versatile and scalable web applications with it.

But how do you setup your Django project, and if you are using Ubuntu, what are the recommended installation packages needed?

By the end of this guide you will learn how to:

  1. Set up a virtual environment.
  2. Install Python and Django.
  3. Set up a Django project from scratch.
  4. Set up Django apps.


Before you begin setting up your new Django project, here are a few prerequisites that are needed. You should have:

  • Basic knowledge of how to use the terminal.
  • Knowledge of how to install software packages.

With that said, here are the steps you need to follow to set up your Django project.

Step 1 - Setting Up Your Environment


There are several installations required for you to successfully start a Django project. They include: Python, Pip and Virtualenv.

Below you will find guidelines on how to install each one of them.


Since Django is a python-based web framework, the first thing you need to do is check if Python is installed on your machine.

Open up the terminal and ensure that you are the root user.

If you have previously installed python on your machine, type the following command to check the version available.

$ python3 -V
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Otherwise, you can begin by installing the latest version of python. Start by updating and upgrading your APT repository:

$ sudo apt-get update
$ sudo apt-get -y upgrade
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Once complete, install the latest version of python:

$ sudo apt-get install python3
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Check to see the version of python your machine is currently running.

$ python3 -V
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The next step is to set up pip, a Python-based package manager. To get the latest version of pip:

$ sudo apt-get install -y python3 pip
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Check the version of Pip installed using this command:

$ pip3 -V
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Once you have Python and Pip, you can now install your virtual environment and setup your Django project.

Virtual environment

A virtual environment is a Python tool for managing dependencies and isolating projects.

It enables local installation of Python site packages (third-party libraries) for a specific project as opposed to global installation.

To set up a virtual environment:

$ pip3 install virtualenv
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After successful installation, you can check the version using:

$ virtualenv --version
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Preparing Your Environment

To begin preparing your environment for your Django project, navigate to a folder that holds any/all of your projects.

For the sake of this tutorial, our projects folder is found on the desktop.

Change the directory to the project folder.

~$ cd Desktop/projects
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Then create a new folder for your Django project and navigate into it. You will name your Django project folder however you please. Here we will use blogSite/.

~/Desktop/projects$ mkdir blogSite
~/Desktop/projects$ cd blogSite
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Next, set up a new virtual environment. You can call your virtual environment env. To set up a virtual environment:

$ virtualenv env
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Then activate the virtual environment:

$ source env/bin/activate
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You will see the (env) prefixed on the path to your current directory. If you wish to deactivate the virtual environment:

(env)$ deactivate env
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To know that the deactivation has worked, you will no longer see the (env) prefix on your path.

Step 2 - Installing Django and Dependency Pinning

Next,you will proceed to install Django and setup your project.

Django is a high-level Python web framework that promotes rapid development and pragmatic design.

Django comes with ready-made components to use, allowing you to focus on the development of your web applications rather than the underlying infrastructure.

To install Django:

(env)$ python3 -m pip install django
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You should see this after successful installation.


Next, pin your dependencies to a requirements.txt file.

This allows you and other developers to replicate the exact conditions of your project build.

Type the following command on your terminal:

(env)$ python3 -m pip freeze > requirements.txt
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Your directory should now be looking like this:


Note: To install a specific version of Django add the version number to the installation command:

(env)$ python3 -m pip install django==4.1.7
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Also, if you want to install dependencies from a pre-existing project use:

(env)$ python3 -m pip install -r requirements.txt
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Step 3 - Project Setup

A Django project is a high-level unit of organization for a collection of configuration apps for your website. Your Django project can have multiple apps.

In this section, you will make a skeleton Django website. As mentioned above, Django already comes with ready-made components to use.

To begin with, start a new project called myBlog. This will create a myBlog/ folder on your current directory.

(env)$ django-admin startproject myBlog
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Then change your directory to the newly created project/folder by running the following command:

(env)$ cd myBlog/
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Note: Do not name your projects after built-in Django/Python components such as Django.

The startproject command created:

Here is a run down of the files and folders in the myBlog/ directory/folder.

  1. myBlog/ - acts as the container for your projects and can be renamed.

  2. - it is a command line utility that lets you interact with Django. With you can create apps, work with databases and start the development server.

  3. myBlog/ - this is the actual python package for your project. You will use the package name myBlog for importing anything you need in your project.

  4. __init.py__ - it is an empty file that tells Python that this directory should be considered a Python package.

  5. - this file contains details on database configuration, location of your project's static files and it is where you register any applications (apps) made.

  6. - this file acts as a Table of Contents for your project. You can make URL declarations and define the site's URL-to-view mappings on this file.

  7. - acts as an entry point for ASGI-compatible web servers to serve your project.

  8. - acts as an entry point for WSGI-compatible web servers to serve your project.

Step 4 - Powering Up the Development Server

Next, you need to learn how to power up the development server for your new myBlog project/site.

To power up your new Django project development server, run:

(env)$ python3 runserver
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If your project is running successfully you will see:


You will also see a warning indicating that there are unapplied migrations.

Ignore the unapplied migrations warning and proceed to open the development server on the port


To exit the development server on your terminal use Ctrl + C

Step 5 - Creating Your First App

Now that you have already set up your environment and created your Django project, you can proceed to set up your first app.

A Django app is the low-level unit of your web application. You can create your app anywhere on the Python path.

However, the best practice is to have all the apps of your project in the same directory as

This means that your app will be imported as its own top-level module rather than a submodule of your project.

Therefore, ensure you are in the same directory as then type:

(env)$ python3 startapp newsPage
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This command creates a newsPage/ directory with the following structure:

Django auto-generates the basic directory structure of the newsPage app.

Most of these files and folders are named after their intended purpose.

Let us take a look at what each of these files are meant for.

  1. newsPage/ - actual app folder.

  2. - this file allows Django to use code from different apps to compose the overall functionality of your web application.

  3. this file is where you will do the admin site configuration.

  4. file meant for application registration.

  5. migrations/- folder that stores migrations files.

  6. migrations/ - is a migration file that allows you to update your database automatically as you change your models.

  7. file where all you will design all your models. This file contains code that allows Django to communicate with your web application's database.

  8. this is the file that houses most of the web app's code logic.

With this, you have already built a skeleton web application with Django, the next step is to build your site's views, models and migrate your databases. For more guidance on creating views, models, and URL interlinking, read more from the Official Documentation.


Django official Documentation
MDN Web Docs
Real Python


In this article, you have learned:

  1. How to prepare your environment and perform the necessary installations
  2. How to set up a Django project from scratch
  3. How to power your development server
  4. And how to create your first Django app.

We have covered all the steps necessary to get a Django web app up and running. You can go ahead and find and project idea you like and implement it. Django is a powerful web framework for those who want to build fast.

Follow me on Twitter and Medium for more tutorials and guides.

Keep building! 🌟

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