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Jayaprasanna Roddam
Jayaprasanna Roddam

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AWS: Developer Associate

Chapter 1: Introduction to AWS and Developer Tools

  • Overview of AWS Cloud Computing
  • Introduction to AWS Global Infrastructure
  • Developer Tools in AWS
    • AWS SDKs
    • AWS CLI
    • AWS Elastic Beanstalk
  • AWS Free Tier and Billing Concepts

Chapter 2: AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM)

  • IAM Basics: Users, Groups, Roles, and Policies
  • IAM Roles for Services: Configuring IAM roles for EC2, Lambda, and ECS
  • Fine-Grained Permissions: Least-privilege access
  • Best Practices: Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA) and IAM Policy Simulator
  • Error Handling in IAM: Permission denied issues and logging security events

Chapter 3: AWS SDK and API Interactions

  • Setting Up AWS SDKs:
    • Go, Python (Boto3), Java, and Node.js
    • Configuring SDK credentials and environment variables
  • Basic API Interactions: S3, EC2, Lambda, DynamoDB
  • Asynchronous API Calls: Managing async calls and handling responses
  • Error Handling with SDK:
    • Understanding and handling common SDK errors
    • Structured error messages
  • Retries:
    • AWS SDK retry mechanisms
    • Custom retry logic and exponential backoff
  • Logging in AWS SDK:
    • Configuring logging for SDK calls
    • Log levels (debug, info, error)
    • Integrating with CloudWatch for centralized logging

Chapter 4: AWS Storage Services (S3, EBS, and Glacier)

  • Amazon S3:
    • Bucket creation, object storage, and versioning
    • Uploading and downloading objects using the SDK
    • Error handling for S3 API
    • Retries for network issues and S3 limits
    • Logging S3 requests and access patterns
  • Amazon EBS:
    • EBS volumes and EC2 integration
    • Creating snapshots and backups
    • Error handling with EBS
  • Amazon Glacier:
    • Archival and retrieval processes
    • Logging Glacier jobs and performance considerations

Chapter 5: Compute Services (EC2, Lambda, and ECS)

  • Amazon EC2:
    • Launching EC2 instances programmatically
    • Handling EC2 failures (capacity limits, instance startup issues)
    • Retries for instance creation and termination
    • SDK Logging for EC2 operations
  • AWS Lambda:
    • Creating and invoking Lambda functions using the SDK
    • Error handling: timeouts, memory limits, retries
    • Configuring and logging Lambda retries with Dead Letter Queues (DLQ)
  • Amazon ECS and Fargate:
    • Launching containers programmatically using SDK
    • Error handling for ECS tasks
    • SDK logging for container tasks

Chapter 6: Databases (RDS, DynamoDB, and Aurora)

  • Amazon RDS:
    • Programmatically creating, updating, and deleting RDS instances
    • Retries for RDS creation and backups
    • Handling common RDS errors (storage limits, connection failures)
    • Monitoring and logging RDS operations
  • Amazon DynamoDB:
    • Using the SDK to interact with DynamoDB: put, get, query
    • Error handling: throttling, limits, retries
    • Custom retry strategies for DynamoDB operations
    • Logging DynamoDB activities with CloudWatch
  • Amazon Aurora:
    • Programmatically managing Aurora clusters
    • Handling connection issues, failovers, and retries
    • Error handling for database access
    • Logging Aurora queries and performance

Chapter 7: Serverless Applications (Lambda, API Gateway, and Step Functions)

  • AWS Lambda:
    • Advanced Lambda features: triggers, concurrency, and scaling
    • Error handling with Lambda and retries for function failures
    • Lambda logging and CloudWatch integration
  • Amazon API Gateway:
    • Setting up REST APIs programmatically
    • Error handling in API Gateway (authorization failures, 5xx errors)
    • Retry strategies for API Gateway calls
    • Logging requests and responses in API Gateway
  • AWS Step Functions:
    • Managing workflows with Step Functions
    • Handling failures and retries for workflow states
    • Logging Step Functions’ executions

Chapter 8: CI/CD with AWS (CodePipeline, CodeBuild, and CodeDeploy)

  • AWS CodePipeline:
    • Automating application deployments
    • Error handling for pipeline stages
    • Retries for failed pipeline actions
    • Monitoring and logging pipeline executions
  • AWS CodeBuild:
    • Building code programmatically
    • Handling build failures and retries
    • Logging build processes in CloudWatch
  • AWS CodeDeploy:
    • Managing deployments to EC2 and Lambda
    • Error handling in CodeDeploy: rollback strategies
    • Logging deployment progress and failures

Chapter 9: Monitoring and Troubleshooting (CloudWatch and X-Ray)

  • Amazon CloudWatch:
    • Creating custom metrics and alarms
    • Logging SDK calls and API requests
    • Setting up CloudWatch Logs for Lambda, ECS, and API Gateway
    • Handling and analyzing CloudWatch metrics
  • AWS X-Ray:
    • Tracing API calls and analyzing performance bottlenecks
    • Logging error traces with X-Ray
    • Implementing X-Ray with AWS SDKs

Chapter 10: Messaging and Event-Driven Architectures (SQS, SNS, and EventBridge)

  • Amazon SQS:
    • Working with queues programmatically
    • Error handling and retries for SQS messages
    • Logging message processing and failures
  • Amazon SNS:
    • Creating and managing topics programmatically
    • Error handling for SNS failures
    • Logging SNS notifications
  • Amazon EventBridge:
    • Setting up rules and events programmatically
    • Error handling in EventBridge
    • Logging event delivery and failures

Chapter 11: Security and Encryption in AWS

  • IAM:
    • Managing programmatic access with the AWS SDK
    • Error handling for authentication and permission issues
    • Logging security-related events
  • AWS Key Management Service (KMS):
    • Programmatically encrypting and decrypting data
    • Error handling in KMS interactions
    • Logging cryptographic operations

Chapter 12: Cost Management and Optimization

  • AWS Cost Explorer:
    • Programmatically retrieving cost and usage reports
    • Error handling for Cost Explorer API
  • Billing and Budgets:
    • Setting up budgets programmatically
    • Logging billing alerts and budget performance

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