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Discussion on: Advent of Code 2019 Solution Megathread - Day 6: Universal Orbit Map

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Jon Bristow • Edited

Without embarrassment, I show this code to you. Part 1 takes a few minutes to complete. I will respond with an optimized version later.

import java.nio.file.Files
import java.nio.file.Paths
import java.util.*

object Day06 {

    const val FILENAME = "src/main/resources/day06.txt"

    fun parseOrbit(s: String): Pair<String, String> {
        return """(.*)\)(.*)""".toRegex().matchEntire(s)?.let {
            it.groupValues[1] to it.groupValues[2]
        } ?: throw Error("Bad orbit: $s")

    fun part1(): Int {

        return Files.readAllLines(Paths.get(FILENAME))
            .map(::parseOrbit).fold(mutableMapOf<String, MutableSet<String>>()) { m, (a, b) ->
                val nset = (m[a] ?: mutableSetOf())
                m[a] = nset

    fun part2(): Int {
        val paths = Files.readAllLines(Paths.get(FILENAME))
            .map(::parseOrbit).fold(mutableMapOf<String, Set<String>>()) { m, (a, b) ->
                m[a] = (m[a] ?: emptySet()) + b

        val youParents = paths.filterValues { "YOU" in it } { it to 0 }

        return paths.findDistanceToSan(queue = LinkedList(youParents), seen = setOf("YOU"))

    private tailrec fun MutableMap<String, Set<String>>.findDistanceToSan(
        queue: Deque<Pair<String, Int>>,
        seen: Set<String>
    ): Int {
        val (node, dist) = queue.pop()
        return when (node) {
            "SAN" -> dist - 1
            in seen -> findDistanceToSan(queue, seen)
            else -> {
                queue.addAll(filterValues { node in it } { it to (dist + 1) })
                queue.addAll(filterKeys { node == it }.flatMap { (k, v) -> { it to (dist + 1) } })
                findDistanceToSan(LinkedList(queue.filterNot { (n, d) -> n in seen }), seen + node)


private fun MutableMap<String, MutableSet<String>>.countChildren() =
    toList().indices.fold(toMap()) { m, _ ->
        m.mapValues { (k, v) ->
            v.addAll(v.flatMap { this[it] ?: mutableSetOf() })
    }.toList().sumBy { (k, v) -> v.size }

fun main() {

Part 2 was my old friend "Djikstra's Algorithm". It wasn't enough data to warrant breaking out A*Search, but if previous years are any indication we will probably need it at some point.

jbristow profile image
Jon Bristow

Ahhh... much better. This runs in msecs.

import java.nio.file.Files
import java.nio.file.Paths
import java.util.*

object Day06 {

    private const val FILENAME = "src/main/resources/day06.txt"

    private fun parseOrbit(s: String): Pair<String, String> {
        return """(.*)\)(.*)""".toRegex().matchEntire(s)?.let {
            it.groupValues[1] to it.groupValues[2]
        } ?: throw Error("Bad orbit: $s")

    private fun List<String>.countPaths() =
        map(::parseOrbit).fold(mapOf<String, Set<String>>()) { m, (a, b) ->
            val nset = (m[a] ?: emptySet()) + b
            m + (a to nset)
        }.let { orbits ->
            orbits.countChildren(orbits["COM"].orEmpty().map { it to 1 }, 0)

    private tailrec fun Map<String, Set<String>>.countChildren(
        paths: List<Pair<String, Int>>,
        size: Int
    ): Int {

        val nextPaths = paths.flatMap {
            this[it.first].orEmpty().map { c -> c to it.second + 1 }
        return when {
            nextPaths.isEmpty() -> size + paths.sumBy(Pair<String, Int>::second)
            else -> countChildren(nextPaths, size + paths.sumBy(Pair<String, Int>::second))


    private fun List<String>.shortestDistanceToSanta(): Int {
        val paths = map(::parseOrbit).fold(mutableMapOf<String, Set<String>>()) { m, (a, b) ->
            m[a] = (m[a] ?: emptySet()) + b

        val youParents = paths.filterValues { "YOU" in it } { it to 0 }

        return paths.findDistanceToSan(queue = LinkedList(youParents), seen = setOf("YOU"))


    private tailrec fun MutableMap<String, Set<String>>.findDistanceToSan(
        queue: Deque<Pair<String, Int>>,
        seen: Set<String>
    ): Int {
        val (node, dist) = queue.pop()
        return when (node) {
            "SAN" -> dist - 1
            in seen -> findDistanceToSan(queue, seen)
            else -> {
                queue.addAll(filterValues { node in it } { it to (dist + 1) })
                queue.addAll(filterKeys { node == it }.flatMap { (_, v) -> { it to (dist + 1) } })
                findDistanceToSan(LinkedList(queue.filterNot { (n, _) -> n in seen }), seen + node)

    fun part1() = Files.readAllLines(Paths.get(FILENAME)).countPaths()

    fun part2(): Int = Files.readAllLines(Paths.get(FILENAME)).shortestDistanceToSanta()


fun main() {