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ReactJS Roadmap | Beginners to Advanced (Resource Compiled)🔥

Hello, In this blog I am gonna walk you through the roadmap for learning React, I've broken down the concept of React into small parts as modules so that It will be easier to understand. This is only for the beginners, Soon I'll publish another blog on advance roadmap of React and also this is just a roadmap(learning path), For learning these concepts I've added the official documentation links(for most of the concepts) where you can go and learn, One interesting thing is that I have also added what you gonna achieve by learning those concepts🎯.


I assume that you have some basic understanding of the following:

  1. Basics of HTML(such as HTML elements, form, table, div and list tags with their attributes).
  2. Basics of CSS(such as styling the html elements, CSS selectors and box model).
  3. Basics of JavaScript(such as variables, conditional statements, loops, data types, DOM manipulation and event triggering).

Read More : ReactJS Roadmap | Beginners to Advanced (Resource Compiled)🔥

I hope you found what you were looking for from this tutorial. If you want more Roadmap like this, then do join our Telegram channel for future updates.

Thanks for reading, have a nice day 🙂

Top comments (4)

keyurpatel8118 profile image

link broken

tborrelli profile image
Tommaso Borrelli

link broken

myabdi4 profile image
Abdirahman Nur

Link is broken

pushker_modepalli_14 profile image
pushker modepalli

Link broken, It redirected me to 404 error page. I went to below mentioned telegram channel , it's on cyblesecurity. Why you are deviating react to another skill?