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What is the difference between packages and modules?

Top comments (5)

rhymes profile image
rhymes • Edited

In the context of which language? They usually mean slightly different things depending on the context

ichsanputr profile image
Muhammad Ichsanul Fadhil • Edited


in my opinion, package is all thing in, what you can install for your project

if the package have been installed in your project, i call that module. Because i can import all code from (package installed) to my project.

so package == not yet installed
and module === have been installed, and ready for import to your project

jebuscraisp profile image

In the context of javascript

rhymes profile image

Ok then packages is not exactly a JavaScript concept, it's just the name that we give to the unit of distribution through npm/yarn.

Libraries or software that gets "packaged", distributed, indexed in a common website (the npm repository) and then can be installed from a client. npm or yarn are the package managers, the piece of software that you add as a dependency in your application is called a package.

JavaScript modules are instead a recent addition to the standard. They allow you to organize code in files and import them from one another, encapsulated in a namespace (instead of having everything global like in the old days). So you might have a module that contains common behavior and import it from multiple files. Es:

// time.js
export function now() {}
export function yesterday() {}
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and then in your app you can import:

import { now, yesterday } from "./time.js"
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I think this is the simplest explanation I can make, if you want to know more, this is a complete overview on how JavaScript modules work:

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jebuscraisp profile image

Very nice. Thank you