Continuing work on a Rust library for nng (nanomsg-next-gen). Using bindgen to generate FFI bindings to the C library and then a high-level wrapper over that.
This is mostly a brain-dump of problems I ran into while I’m still learning Rust; dealing with types, the borrow checker, etc.
Source code on Github.
Message Operations
Nng defines numerous methods for working with messages.
adds an array of bytes to the end of a message. Bindgen creates:
pub fn nng_msg_append(
arg1: *mut nng_msg,
arg2: *const ::std::os::raw::c_void,
arg3: usize,
) -> ::std::os::raw::c_int;
We almost immediately want a way to pass Vec<_>
as *const c_void
. This SO provides a solution; Vec<u8>
coerces to [u8]
slice and can then use as_ptr()
pub fn build(&self) -> NngResult<NngMsg> {
let mut msg = NngMsg::new()?;
let len = self.body.len();
if len > 0 {
let ptr = self.body.as_ptr() as *const c_void;
unsafe {
NngFail::from_i32(nng_msg_append(self.msg(), ptr, len))?;
In order to provide semantics more natural to Rust (and avoid dealing with all the pointer types and calling into a C library for such basic operations), I started a message builder in Rust. For example, nng_msg_append_u32()
adds a 32-bit integer in network-byte order to the end of a message. Its binding:
pub fn nng_msg_append_u32(arg1: *mut nng_msg, arg2: u32) -> ::std::os::raw::c_int;
This SO covers different ways of turning u32
into bytes, including using the byteorder
crate to convert to network-byte order (Big-endian):
extern crate byteorder;
use self::byteorder::{BigEndian, WriteBytesExt};
pub struct MsgBuilder {
header: Vec<u8>,
body: Vec<u8>,
impl MsgBuilder {
pub fn append_u32(&mut self, data: u32) -> &mut Self {
let mut bytes = [0u8; std::mem::size_of::<u32>()];
pub fn append_slice(&mut self, data: &[u8]) -> &mut Self {
Subscribing to a topic
Subscribing to a pub/sub topic requires the C/C++:
nng_setopt(subscribe_socket, NNG_OPT_SUB_SUBSCRIBE, (const void *)topic_name, (size_t)topic_name_size);
as created by bindgen:
pub fn nng_setopt(
arg1: nng_socket,
arg2: *const ::std::os::raw::c_char,
arg3: *const ::std::os::raw::c_void,
arg4: usize,
) -> ::std::os::raw::c_int;
pub const NNG_OPT_SUB_SUBSCRIBE: &'static [u8; 14usize] = b"sub:subscribe\0";
Our subscribe wrapper method is mostly dealing with the types:
pub fn subscribe(&self, topic: &[u8]) -> NngReturn {
unsafe {
if let Some(ref aio) = self.ctx.aio {
// Rust u8 array to C const char*
let opt = NNG_OPT_SUB_SUBSCRIBE.as_ptr() as *const ::std::os::raw::c_char;
// Rust u8 slice to C const void* and size_t
let topic_ptr = topic.as_ptr() as *const ::std::os::raw::c_void;
let topic_size = std::mem::size_of_val(topic);
let res = nng_setopt(aio.nng_socket(), opt, topic_ptr, topic_size);
Need std::mem::size_of_val()
to get size of [u8]
Callback from Native Code
allocates an asynchronous I/O handle:
pub fn nng_aio_alloc(
arg1: *mut *mut nng_aio,
arg2: ::std::option::Option<unsafe extern "C" fn(arg1: *mut ::std::os::raw::c_void)>,
arg3: *mut ::std::os::raw::c_void,
) -> ::std::os::raw::c_int;
The second argument is a pointer to a method that is executed when an asynchronous I/O operation completes. It is passed the last argument when called.
We need a Rust function that can be called from the C library. There’s a blurb in the first edition of The Rust Programming Language (“The Book”) on how to do this:
extern fn pull_callback(arg : *mut ::std::os::raw::c_void) {
We allocate an aio context and register the callback:
fn create_pull_aio(ctx: Box<AsyncPullContext>) {
// Rust `Box<_>` into void*
let ctx = ctx.as_mut() as *mut _ as *mut ::std::os::raw::c_void;
let mut aio: *mut nng_aio = ptr::null_mut();
let res = nng_aio_alloc(&mut aio, Some(pull_callback), ctx);
We turn a boxed context into a void*
that will be passed to our callback. When an I/O operation completes and our callback is called, we get back our &mut AsyncPullContext
extern fn pull_callback(arg : *mut ::std::os::raw::c_void) {
unsafe {
// Convert C void* to Rust `&mut AsyncPullContext`
let ctx = &mut *(arg as *mut AsyncPullContext);
match ctx.state {
PullState::Ready => panic!(),
PullState::Receiving => {
let aio = ctx.aio.as_ref().map(|aio| aio.aio()); // -> Option<nng_aio>
if let Some(aio) = aio {
// Check if the async I/O succeeded or failed
let res = NngFail::from_i32(nng_aio_result(aio));
The line extracting Option<nng_aio>
warrants explanation. In other places I use the more typical:
if let Some(ref mut aio) = ctx.aio {
But I can’t do that here:
error[E0499]: cannot borrow `*ctx` as mutable more than once at a time
--> runng/src/protocol/
101 | if let Some(ref mut aio) = ctx.aio
| ----------- first mutable borrow occurs here
113 | ctx.start_receive();
| ^^^ second mutable borrow occurs here
128 | }
| - first borrow ends here
impl AsyncPullContext {
fn start_receive(&mut self) {
Basically, I can’t unwrap the Option<_>
field as a mutable reference and in the same scope call a method that also borrows a mutable reference to the struct. Fine, try removing mut
error[E0502]: cannot borrow `*ctx` as mutable because `ctx.aio.0` is also borrowed as immutable
--> runng/src/protocol/
101 | if let Some(ref aio) = ctx.aio
| ------- immutable borrow occurs here
113 | ctx.start_receive();
| ^^^ mutable borrow occurs here
128 | }
| - immutable borrow ends here
Right, can’t have simultaneous immutable and mutable borrows. The only thing that would work is multiple immutable borrows.
So, I use as_ref()
to get an Option<&Rc<NngAio>>
then map()
to extract the nng_aio
struct (which is copyable).
Technically, this isn’t safe. I’m abusing the fact that the C socket handles are int
s (which copy). But, if I were to start copying the handle around and using it different places things would break. I’m going to look at restructuring the code and/or moving start_receive()
, but it wasn’t immediately obvious how to do this.
In our C# wrapper nng.NETCore, most nng send/receive operations return Task<>
. In Rust, the futures crate seems to be the best way to provide a similar interface. Background reading:
Started with:
type MsgFuture = Future<Item=NngMsg, Error=()>;
pub trait AsyncReqRep {
fn send(&mut self) -> impl MsgFuture;
And fails with:
error[E0562]: `impl Trait` not allowed outside of function and inherent method return types
The error message is pretty clear: can’t use impl Trait
outside free-standing functions. Seeing as how impl Trait
was a major feature of 1.26 this seems odd. Turns out the reason is non-trivial.
All the examples involve simply returning or using ok
, but we want something more like C#’s TaskCompletionSource
where we can “signal” the future from the asynchronous callback. futures::sync contains mpsc
and oneshot
impl AsyncRequest for AsyncRequestContext {
fn send(&mut self, msg: NngMsg) -> MsgFuture {
let (sender, receiver) = oneshot::channel::<MsgFutureType>();
self.sender = Some(sender);
When the async operation completes, we signal the future from our callback (heavily edited for clarity):
extern fn publish_callback(arg : AioCallbackArg) {
let ctx = &mut *(arg as *mut AsyncPublishContext);
if let Some(ref mut aio) = ctx.aio {
let res = NngFail::from_i32(nng_aio_result(aio.aio()));
let sender = ctx.sender.take().unwrap(); // -> oneshot::Sender<MsgFutureType>
Been enjoying Rust a lot more than when I first looked at it in early 2016. Still struggling a bit designing with traits instead of inheritance, but it will become second nature soon enough.
Next up, we’ll fold this into our .NET Core project and get them talking over nng.
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