Days 13 through 15 were dedicated to exploring Design Patterns, as presented in two chapters of the book "Python 3 Object-Oriented Programming" by Dusty Phillips. Design Patterns are abstract solutions that provide best-practice guidance for addressing commonly encountered programming problems. The book covered around 12 Design Patterns over 2 of its chapters, which were mostly familiar from my experience with Java, JavaScript, and .NET. However, due to differences in language syntax and philosophy, some of the implementations in Python can have some unique variations. Each design pattern merits its own blog post for a comprehensive discussion, so I plan to revisit them in greater depth after completing my 100 Days of Code challenge.
On Days 16 and 17, I returned to Angela Yu's 100 Days of Code Udemy course and focused on Section 27-31, which covered Tkinter for creating GUI programs. I completed three engaging projects: a Pomodoro application, a Password Manager application, and the Flashcard App Capstone project. All three utilized Tkinter for their GUIs and introduced me to the built-in json module.
Feeling a bit worn out from a busy schedule and rigorous study, I'm eager to take a break and recharge before diving into the upcoming topics, which promise to be incredibly exciting! Up next: Pandas, Numpy, and Matplotlib!
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