Overview of My Submission
I took advantage of the Appwrite hackathon to combine my two passions: Development and Traditional oar (on Lake Geneva - FR).
The Yvoire section has a rescue team and several oar teams.
The purpose of the application, beyond the news of the section and the photo gallery, allows members to be able to register for the various training sessions. Whether present, absent or uncertain, everyone can position themselves on each day and see the list of members.
During this hackathon I wanted to discover Appwrite as a whole, database, realtime, authentication, functions and storage.
My use case allowed me to use all of these features with a simple model:
- Activity
- User
- User who register for an Activity (UserActivity)
The screen that displays the detail of an activity uses the Realtime feature to see live the users who register.
Gallery, like Posts use Storage.
For the Function feature, when a user is present at an activity, a function is trigger to increment his total activity counter.
I had to use Firebase at first, but after this first experience with Appwrite I will stay on the latter. Very easy to install and use, the fluid and clear interface makes it easy to find your way around your project.
The only negative point, but which shows the interest of Appwrite by the developers, is its rapid evolution which very quickly makes obsolete the various tutorials which one can find, in particular for the functions.
Submission Category
Mobile Moguls
Link to Code
Application de la section de sauvetage et rame traditionnelle d'Yvoire
Application de la section de sauvetage et rame traditionnelle d'Yvoire
Copyright [2022] [Jeremy Giles]
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
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See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
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