I came to know about Advent of Code from this YouTube video, and I have been enjoying it! My goal is just to be able to collect all 50 stars. Here are some of my learnings from it (I am not a competitive programmer).
1. Not giving up
As the difficulty of the problem varies, sometimes it's easy to get stuck. It is tempting to look for solutions on Reddit, but it is more satisfying solving the problem on your own. I would take a break and go do something else if I get stuck, and often times different ideas pop out as I re-approach the problem. My debugging skills definitely improved by not giving up!

2. Learning from others
At the end of the day, after solving the questions, I would look at how others have solved it. And often times, I am amazed by the different approaches! When I looked back at my naive solution, it looks comical. Day by day, I have been learning a ton.
I am looking at solution either from Reddit thread or GitHub topics.
3. Have fun!
I enjoyed solving problems for the Elves. Of course, the memes on Reddit always provide a good laugh.

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