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Java Streams: Unleashing the Power of Functional Data Processing

Types of Stream Operations

1. Intermediate Operations

Return a stream that can be linked with other intermediate operations with dot.

2. Terminal Operations

Returns void or non stream output.

For performing a computation, stream operations are incorporated into a Stream pipeline. A Stream pipeline consists of:

2.Zero or more intermediate operations
3.Terminal operations

In below example, Stream pipeline consists of :

Source: String List
Intermediate operation: Map
Terminal operation: forEach

package streamsInJava;

import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.List;

public class StreamOperations {

public static void main(String[] args) {
    List<String> countryList = Arrays.asList("India", "United States", "Europe", "Canada");

    countryList .stream()
            .map((s) -> s.toUpperCase())
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Output :

Intermediate Functional Stream Operations

1. map() :

The map() function is utilized to transform a Stream into a Stream. It generates a single output of type ‘R’ for every input value of type ‘T’. It requires the Function interface as a parameter.

For Example, If you have a stream of a list of employees and you require a list of employee names, you just need to convert the Stream to a Stream.

List employeeNames =
.map(e -> e.getName())

Output :
[Dheeraj, Rushabh, Shubham, Parth]

2. filter() :

The filter() operation is used to filter streams based on conditions. The Filter method takes a Predicate() interface that returns a boolean value.

For example, if you want to filter employees whose names start with ‘P’.

List employeeNames =
.map(e -> e.getName())
.filter(s -> s.startsWith("P"))
Output :


3. sorted() :

We can use the sorted() method to sort a list of objects. The sorted method, when used without arguments, sorts the list in natural order. Additionally, the sorted() method also accepts a comparator as a parameter to facilitate custom sorting.

List employees =

Output :
[Employee [name = Dheeraj, age = 27], Employee [name = Parth, age = 24], Employee [name = Rushabh, age = 22], Employee [name = Shubham, age = 26]]

Here is the sorted() method example with Comparator as a parameter.

List employees =
.sorted((e1,e2)->e1.getAge() - e2.getAge())

Output :
[Employee [name = Rushabh, age = 22], Employee [name = Parth, age = 24], Employee [name = Shubham, age = 26], Employee [name = Dheeraj, age = 27]]

4. limit() :

limit() is used to limit the number of elements in the stream.

List employees =
Output :

[Employee [name = Dheeraj, age = 27], Employee [name = Rushabh, age = 22], Employee [name = Shubham, age = 26]]

5. skip() :

skip(int n) method is used to discard first n elements from the stream

List employees =

Output :
[Employee [name = Parth, age = 22]]

Terminal Functional Stream Operations

1. foreach() :

The foreach() method is a terminal operation used to iterate over a collection or stream of objects, taking a consumer as a parameter.

Output :
Employee [name = Dheeraj, age = 27]
Employee [name = Rushabh, age = 22]
Employee [name = Shubham, age = 26]
Employee [name = Parth, age = 24]

2. collect() :

The collect() method is a terminal operation that performs mutable reduction on the elements of a Stream using a Collector. Collectors is a utility class that provides an inbuilt Collector.

List employeeNames =
Output :

[Dheeraj, Rushabh, Shubham, Parth]

3. count() :

count() is used to count the number of elements in the stream.

long empCountStartWithS =
.filter(s -> s.startsWith("S"))

Output :

4. allMatch() :
allMatch() returns true when all the elements in the stream meet the provided condition.

boolean allMatch =
.allMatch(e -> e.getAge() > 20);
System.out.println("Are all the employees adult : " + allMatch);

Output :
Are all the employees adult : true

5. noneMatch() :

The noneMatch() function returns true if all elements in the stream do not meet the provided condition.

boolean noneMatch =
.noneMatch(e -> e.getAge() > 60);
System.out.println("Are all the employees below 60 : " + noneMatch);

Output :
Are all the employees below 60 : true

6. min() :

min(Comparator) returns the minimum element in the stream based on the provided comparator, and it returns an object that contains the actual value.

Optional minEmpOpt =
Employee minAgeEmp = minEmpOpt.get();
System.out.println("Employee with minimum age is : " + minAgeEmp);

Output :
Employee with minimum age is: Employee [name = Rushabh, age = 22]

7. max() :

max(Comparator) returns the maximum element in the stream based on the provided comparator, returning an object that contains the actual value.

Optional maxEmpOpt =
Employee maxAgeEmp = maxEmpOpt.get();
System.out.println("Employee with maximum age is: " + maxAgeEmp);

Output :
Employee with maximum age is : Employee [name = Dheeraj, age = 27]


In conclusion, Java streams, including various types of streams in Java, are a powerful addition to the Java programming language, providing a modern and efficient way to work with collections and process data. By mastering the concepts and best practices outlined in this guide, we can unlock the full potential of Java streams and elevate the quality and performance of our code. For more information about Java streams, please refer to the Official site.

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