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More than an article a question about jobs.

Hello everyone,

This is my first post, unfortunately, is nothing insigthful, maybe some of you will consider this kind of post a rant think is rant, but maybe is good to put this here and not in my social media where is there a 0% chance of get an answer.

To put you in the loop, Im mexican, yeah the terrible mexican who stole the works of others (joking). I live in Mexico, but like every people, I'm trying to get a better life I'm looking for work in every place that has an offer, maybe that is wrong but I'm in a job that I really really hate, but due to the economic and health situation, I'm in the crossroad of quit and make a jump of faith or wait for a miracle.

Here comes the questions.

  • What can I do to find a better job? Actually Im working with React and Flask and with Angular and RoR, I said working but more like making little projects with these technologies, so far I made a simple app to save your meals with the proteins, carbs and fats with the calc of the calories.

  • How you get expirience when no one wants to give you a job with prior experience? My last interview was the client review your resume and you don't fit in the position, I ask what is not fitting? And the answer where the sound of my breath in unison with my fingers tapping the screen.

  • Why for everything that is sacred, you need a white board interview? Why you need that kind of interview when maybe the 90% of the time stackoverflow is going to help, I'm not saying is bad or wrong both you want someone to solve a problem, how reading a book (cracking the code interview) is better than look in stackoverflow and adapt the solution to your needs, it doesn't count to have that skill? Why dont just hire someone for a fixed period of time and look if is really what you need, like Wordpress.

Sorry if this sound as a rant, but I'm in this moment of the life when you look back and you try to understand what the hell I did with my life, and what the hell Im going to do to get a better life.

Thanks for your time and I'll appreciate your advices and answers.


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