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Node JavaScript

Node JavaScript is the system that allows you to utilize the Javascript skills outside of the application. Combined you can create anything code line to HTTP hosts that power active sites. Node.js can generate dynamic page content, can create, open, read, write, delete, and close files on the server. It has the ability to collect form data, as well as add, delete and modify data in your database. There is a difference in how Node.js handles a file request between how PHP or ASP handles a file request. In regards to PHP or ASP, they send the task to the computer's file system and wait while the file system opens then reads the file. Subsequently, they return the content to the client ready to handle the next request.

How Node.js handles a file request is much more efficient simply because it eliminates the waiting, and simply continues with the next request. It initially sends the task to the computer's file system. Afterward, it is ready to handle the next request. When the file system has opened and read the file, the server returns the content to the client. Running single-threaded, non-blocking, asynchronously programming, making it to be very memory efficient.

Node was initially believed for the use of making asynchronous programming simple and accessible. JavaScript lends itself well to the structure similar to Node. It is one of those few programming languages that does not get the built-in means to do in- and output production. Therefore, JavaScript would be well onto the Node’s rather eccentric approach to in- and output without turning out with two contradictory interfaces.

When Node was being designed back in 2009, people were already performing call-back based programming at the application, so the people in the word were accustomed to the asynchronous programming style. This console.log method does something similar to what it does in this browser. It prints out the piece of text. Rather than going to the browser's JavaScript table, in Node the text can go to the process's basic output flow.

When working node from the command line, this means you find the logged values in your station or terminal. Node is the newest programming language and APIs. It runs with JavaScript but is not JavaScript itself, Node is the system that you consume Javascript. It is so common because you can write the server without learning other methods. With all of its advantages, Node.js now plays a critical role in the technology stack of many high-profile companies who depend on its unique benefits.

Another big difference is that in Node.js you control the environment. You know which version of Node.js you will run the application on unless you are building an open-source application that anyone can deploy anywhere. This is very convenient Compared to the browser environment, where you don't get the luxury to choose what browser your visitors will use.

Node.js is a platform built on Chrome's JavaScript runtime for easily building fast, scalable network applications. Using an event-driven, non-blocking I/O model makes it lightweight and efficient, which is perfect for data-intensive real-time applications that run across distributed devices. Event-driven means that the server only reacts when an event occurs. This allows us to create high performance, highly scalable, “real-time” applications.

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