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The Tectonic Shift in React Ecosystem: Unearthing the Future with Next.js, Remix, Gatsby, Vite, QGP, and Astro


The React ecosystem has recently witnessed a seismic shift, with the team's decision to move from recommending Create React App (CRA) to more feature-rich frameworks like Next.js, Remix, and Gatsby. Additionally, the rise of alternative tools like Vite, QGP, and Astro has stirred numerous discussions within the web development community, as developers ponder the implications for beginners and teams managing large projects. In this blog article, we'll briefly touch on the key points discussed during our live stream and invite you to watch the full video for a more in-depth exploration of this tectonic shift in the React landscape.


React's Shift: apps written "fully in React"

React's decision to switch from CRA to frameworks like Next.js, Remix, and Gatsby stems from the growing demand for more robust solutions in building production-grade applications. Alongside these frameworks, Vite, QGP, and Astro have emerged as popular alternatives, each bringing unique features and benefits to the table.

  • Next.js: A popular choice among developers, Next.js boasts features such as server-side rendering, static site generation, and API routes. Backed by Vercel, this framework enjoys a strong community presence and offers an opinionated approach to building React applications.

  • Remix: Developed by the creators of React Router, Remix focuses on server rendering and optimized loading of data and assets, providing a modern, fast, and enjoyable developer experience. Its flexible approach allows developers to customize their setup and choose the features they need.

  • Gatsby: Gatsby is a powerful static site generator that leverages GraphQL to manage data and build optimized websites. With its vast plugin ecosystem and focus on performance, Gatsby is an excellent option for content-driven websites and projects that require seamless data integration.

  • Vite: Created by Evan You, the creator of Vue.js, Vite is known for its simplicity and speed, making it an ideal solution for beginners looking for a more accessible entry point into React development without the added complexity of more advanced frameworks.

  • QGP: This open-source project aims to provide a smooth migration path from CRA to other solutions like Astro or Vite. It allows developers to run their applications in both environments simultaneously, making it easier to transition from one to the other gradually.

  • Astro: Astro is a new static site generator that allows developers to build fast, optimized websites using components from various frontend libraries, including React. With its user-friendly experience and focus on performance, Astro is an exciting addition to the React ecosystem.

Implications for Beginners

The shift from CRA to more advanced frameworks has raised concerns about the impact on beginners. With additional complexity and features, newcomers may find frameworks like Next.js, Remix, and Gatsby overwhelming. However, alternatives like Vite and Astro offer more approachable options for those new to React. It's crucial to strike a balance between providing accessible options for beginners and offering powerful tools for experienced developers and large projects.

Teams Managing Large Projects

For teams handling large-scale projects, the shift towards more feature-rich frameworks like Next.js, Remix, and Gatsby, as well as alternatives like Vite and Astro, presents exciting opportunities. These tools offer built-in performance optimizations, more advanced data handling, and better support for server-side rendering and static site generation. While the transition may require some effort, the long-term benefits could significantly improve the development process and the quality of the applications being built.


The ongoing evolution of the React ecosystem and the shift away from Create React App have brought new tools and frameworks to the forefront. As developers, it's essential to stay informed, adapt to these changes, and choose the best tools for our projects.

We hope this blog article has piqued your interest in the live stream discussion, where we dive deeper into the implications of React's shift towards Next.js, Remix, and Gatsby, and explore the vibrant landscape of modern web development. So, don't miss out! Click the link below to watch the full video and join the conversation.

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