Networking had started the internet revolution we are witnessing. The term networking refers to the interconnection of different devices on one network. Networks can be small or exremely large like the network of computers that is the Internet.
Today it is possible to add much smaller devices to networks, thanks to the increeced speed and reduced cost of the mirrorcoprocesor. They help collect even more data much of which is used to analyses or predict things like finding the location of city street cars. The availability of even more IoT ready devices can only be possitive sign of evolution of society.
Different devices talking to each other is not a new or revolutionary. For past 2 decade now we have be able to use better buletouth technology to connect our devices. The rise of cloud computing has had a big impact on future networking tasks. Devices now can transmit real time data too cloud centers at once. Before this would be limited to the memory capacity and distance of the receiver.
Tomorrow is world in were all devices can can communicate to greater effect. This will allow many service's to run much faster and smother. Wherehouse ordering can become more interconnected. Like when chosing which color to pick when buying new car from the factory. Very soo bus passengers will see the driver name and or possibly the number of passagers onboard before.
More and more advances will take effect, some before very our eyes and other phenomenon we may not notice. Frist we must build more networks that cover even more use caese. The IoT devices that run on them must be increced. Big data and internet will help speed up this revolution if it continues at the same pase.
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