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JS Challenge: Convert snake_case to camelCase

I have seen many JavaScript snippets to convert strings in snake case to camel case. For example the following string:


will look like this after conversion:


One snippet I have seen recently in a forum goes like this:

let str = 'SNAKE_casE';
const [firstPart, lastPart] = str.toLowerCase().trim().split("_");
const outputCamelCase = `${firstPart}${lastPart.replace(
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which will produce an output:


But what if the snake case string has multiple segments as below:


The code above can deal with only two segments.

Here is my take on the problem. This one-liner should work for any snake case string even those with multiple segments:

let str = 'SNAKE_casE___WITH_muLtiPLE_SEGments';
str.toLowerCase().replace(/_+(.)/g, (m, g) => 
  {return g.toUpperCase()}
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First it converts the entire string to lower case. Then scans the string for occurrences of underscore(s) followed by a single character (.) and globally replaces those occurrences with the upper case of the character that follows the underscore(s). Notice the second argument in the call to replace() is a function - in this case it returns the character converted to upper case. If the second argument to replace() is a function it can take the match and the capture groups as arguments and return a value to replace the match. See the reference for a complete description.

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