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Centring the item with two lines of code

Joanna Otmianowska on April 20, 2021

Do you remember centring the item on the screen horizontally and vertically the old way? Before flexbox and CSS grid that was really hard to do it....
signo profile image
L • Edited

in a container with position: relative you can also use:

.center {
    position: absolute;
    top: 50%;
    left: 50%;
    transform: translate(-50%);
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But yeah, the grid solution is much better

akowalska622 profile image

Isn't it this mentioned "old way"?
Just out of curiosity

signo profile image

the post didn't mention the transform: translate(x%) trick but other (even older) ways:

I usually either relied on the numbers (so defining margin or padding for the item - which is not good idea cause it looks different on different screens) or used floating. There was also a way with creating tables and putting your content there.

ps: I still use the transform trick sometimes :)

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akowalska622 profile image

I also sometimes do :) I was just wondering, thanks for claryfing :D

rvxlab profile image

This is 100% the old way. Pre-flexbox that was one of the only ways to do it reasonably well.

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akowalska622 profile image

Thanks! Thought so. So it was actually mentioned in the article, that this way using grid is the alternative to the old ways.

joannaotmianowska profile image
Joanna Otmianowska

I don't know with trick with transform but as mentioned in comments, it looks like a hack before flex era :) Still, very interesting!

cmuralisree profile image
Chittoji Murali Sree Krishna

Hmm but you can't make them vertically center, until unless you define the height for the element,

    display: grid;
    place-items: center;
    height: 100vh; /* 100vh is too much, 
    but it's an example */
   /* by default html elements won't 
   have height so we have to decide the 
   height so that we can vertically center */
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It's common for both flex and grid templates, but for postion we won't need it, as by default it takes entire screen width and height, until unless we provide the parent tag with a
position: relative;

    position: absolute;
    top: 50%;
    left: 50%;
    transform: translate(-50%, -50%);
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Sloan, the sloth mascot
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joannaotmianowska profile image
Joanna Otmianowska

Yes, that's true. But I guess first version with flex would work here so setting both align-items and justify-content to center, what do you think?

Sloan, the sloth mascot
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joannaotmianowska profile image
Joanna Otmianowska • Edited

You're right, I didn't noticed that you mentioned vertical centring. That would require more work than 3 lines indeed

filatovv profile image
Yuri Filatov


joannaotmianowska profile image
Joanna Otmianowska


anikcreative profile image
Anik • Edited

Very nice, lol, I was not expecting that — and thanks for that site you linked!

*Edit: I'm cracking up over "Smol" CSS xD

joannaotmianowska profile image
Joanna Otmianowska

Thanks! Yes, Smol CSS site is awesome :)

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