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Cover image for Episode 029 - Simplifying the BFF with ProxyKit - ASP.NET Core: From 0 to overkill
João Antunes
João Antunes

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Episode 029 - Simplifying the BFF with ProxyKit - ASP.NET Core: From 0 to overkill

In this episode, we'll revise our current backend for frontend implementation, introducing ProxyKit to simplify request routing to backing APIs, foregoing the need to implement everything manually.

For the walk-through you can check out the next video, but if you prefer a quick read, skip to the written synthesis.

The playlist for the whole series is here.


At this point, we have created a stable (yet overkill) base infrastructure for future developments, but in terms of actual application features, we're still on a very basic level, so it's about time we get back to implementing them.

One problem we have on our hands though, is the current implementation of the backend for frontend, which will be a pain to maintain.

When we introduced the BFF in episode 020, we did it with one main goal: have a place to implement features specific to a given frontend, allowing for some level of decoupling between it and the backing APIs that may be used by other client applications.

This still makes sense, but the thing is, not every interaction with the backing APIs needs to be customized. As we saw so far with the group management API, some things can just flow directly to the APIs, the BFF doesn't do much besides adding the authorization token to the request.

In episode 020 we took the opportunity to play around with the HTTP client, but if we continue to implement everything like this, every change we do in the APIs, requires us to change the BFF. An alternative name we can give to a BFF is API gateway, and if we think about that for a second, we'll start imagining the amount of work we'll get ourselves into if we need manually configure all the interactions between the frontend and the backend, even when no customization is required.

With this in mind, in this episode we'll simplify the BFF by introducing ProxyKit, which will take care of routing any API requests to the correct backing services.

Side note: Won't really talk about them in this post, but just for information of anyone who's following along the series and checking out the code, I did some minor adjustments to the routes of the BFF, namely the authentication endpoints are no longer on api/auth, but just auth. Due to this change, also adjusted the reverse proxy configuration, the auth service configured redirect endpoints and the single page application development server proxy settings.

Introducing ProxyKit to the BFF

The best way to introduce ProxyKit is probably just to copy the description from its GitHub page:

A toolkit to create code-first HTTP Reverse Proxies hosted in ASP.NET Core as middleware. This allows focused code-first proxies that can be embedded in existing ASP.NET Core applications or deployed as a standalone server.

I think this description allows us to understand why it's a nice solution for our problem, but lets dissect it a bit.

By being just another middleware we can introduce to ASP.NET Core, it means it's just another thing present in the pipeline, not making everything else useless. In short, everything else will work as usual, so we can have additional endpoints in our BFF to implement specific features, like it's the case of the authentication process.

Quick look at ProxyKit vs Ocelot

Another option we had to implement this was Ocelot. Even though we could use them both to implement similar behaviors, they're focus is different.

ProxyKit is focused on being a reverse proxy, like HAProxy we've been using, but hosted inside an ASP.NET Core application, which allows us to customize things taking advantage of other framework features and our programming language of choice.

Ocelot is focused on being an API gateway, so out of the box, besides similar routing capabilities for instance, has other features that are useful for this specific scenario, like request aggregation, caching, retries and others.

At first glance Ocelot would probably be a better choice for our BFF, with all these extra features. Where it comes short in comparison to ProxyKit is in performance in simple proxying scenarios, which is exactly what we have at this point. In fact, that's even better explained in ProxyKit's GitHub page.

Ocelot is an API Gateway that also runs on ASP.NET Core. A key difference between API Gateways and general Reverse Proxies is that the former tend to be message based whereas a reverse proxy is stream based. That is, an API Gateway will typically buffer every request and response message to be able to perform transformations. This is fine for an API Gateway but not suitable for a general reverse proxy performance wise nor for responses that are chunked-encoded. See Not Supported Ocelot docs.

Combining ProxyKit with Ocelot would give some nice options for a variety of scenarios.

This last phrase is particularly interesting, but not at all unexpected. Being that both work as middlewares in an ASP.NET Core application, we are free to combine the best of each. For now though, we'll go with ProxyKit, in the future we might also introduce the Ocelot to the application.

Installing and configuring

Installing ProxyKit is just a matter of installing a NuGet package.

dotnet add package ProxyKit
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Now to use it, given it's a middleware, you probably can already imagine the steps: go to the Startup class, configure the required services in ConfigureServices and the pipeline in Configure.

To configure DI, it's a simple line:


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Now we have to configure the pipeline, so we go down a bit to the Configure method. We'll add it to the end of the pipeline, so after app.UseMvc(). This allows us to have controllers to handle some requests, but if none matches, it'll proceed through the pipeline, reaching the proxy middleware.


app.Map("/api/groups", api =>
    api.RunProxy(async context =>
        var forwardContext = context

        var token = await context.GetAccessTokenAsync();

        return await forwardContext.Send();
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As we can see from the above code, we don't require a lot of configuration to get it working. We use app.Map, with the base route of the group management API, so it only routes the correct requests, not all of them.

After we branch the pipeline, we can use the RunProxy extension method to configure the proxy middleware, using the ForwardTo extension method to start the forwarding of the request, where we indicate the target endpoint. This method returns a ForwardContext instance, with which we can make additional configurations and finally proceed to forward the request.

Besides the required target endpoint, we're also configuring it to copy any X-Forwarded-* HTTP headers that our external reverse proxy (HAProxy) might have included in the request. Finally, before actually forwarding the request, we need to include the JWT token the API needs to identify the user. Previously we did it at the HttpClient level (with a DelegatingHandler) but with ProxyKit we can just do it directly in the middleware. Note that we can also configure the HttpClient used by ProxyKit, so the previous approach could also be used (more info here).

With this in place, the BFF can now automagically forward requests to the group management API.

Preparing for more backing APIs

One thing you might noticed is that we're hardcoding configuration just for the group management API. If we just to this, we'll have to add one middleware in the pipeline for each backing service, which is far from ideal.

Instead, let's rework the middleware configuration to make it easier to proxy more services.

For starters, we'll add something to the appsettings that allows us to map an API to its endpoint.


"ApiRoutes": {
    "groups": "http://groupmanagement:80"
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Now we need a way to match request routes to the endpoint, as we configured in the settings file. To do this, I created a new class named ProxiedApiRouteEndpointLookup. I won't go into much detail about the implementation, as I think it's an interesting topic for the next episode (love it when the idea for the next episode comes as I prepare the previous one 🙂), but I'll drop the code in here for reference anyway.


public class ProxiedApiRouteEndpointLookup
    // The double dictionary strategy can be simplified if we're able to lookup directly with a ReadOnlySpan<char>
    // Work in progress here ->

    private readonly Dictionary<string, string> _routeToEndpointMap;
    private readonly Dictionary<int, string[]> _routeMatcher;

    public ProxiedApiRouteEndpointLookup(Dictionary<string, string> routeToEndpointMap)
        _routeToEndpointMap = routeToEndpointMap ?? throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(routeToEndpointMap));
        _routeMatcher = _routeToEndpointMap
                r => r.GetHashCode(),
                r => r)
                g => g.Key,
                g => g.ToArray());

    public bool TryGet(PathString path, out string endpoint)
        endpoint = null;
        var pathSpan = path.Value.AsSpan();
        var basePathEnd = pathSpan.Slice(1, pathSpan.Length - 1).IndexOf('/');
        var basePath = pathSpan.Slice(1, basePathEnd > 0 ? basePathEnd : pathSpan.Length - 1);

        // when we upgrade to .NET Core 3.0, we can use string.GetHashCode(basePath)
        // to get the hashcode directly from the span, which will be much better for allocations
        if (_routeMatcher.TryGetValue(basePath.ToString().GetHashCode(), out var routes))
            var route = FindRoute(basePath, routes);
            return !(route is null) && _routeToEndpointMap.TryGetValue(route, out endpoint);

        return false;

    private static string FindRoute(ReadOnlySpan<char> route, string[] routes)
        for (var i = 0; i < routes.Length; ++i)
            var currentRoute = routes[i];
            if (MemoryExtensions.Equals(route, currentRoute, StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase))
                return currentRoute;
        return null;
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Again, we'll see it in more detail in episode 030, but for now the important is that the ProxiedApiRouteEndpointLookup receives the route map in the constructor, then is able to map a request path to an API route with a call to the TryGet method.

To use it in the middleware, we can configure it in the dependency injection container:


    new ProxiedApiRouteEndpointLookup(
        _configuration.GetSection<Dictionary<string, string>>("ApiRoutes")));
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Now we can adjust the middleware configuration:


app.Map("/api", api =>
    api.RunProxy(async context =>
        var endpointLookup = context.RequestServices.GetRequiredService<ProxiedApiRouteEndpointLookup>();
        if (endpointLookup.TryGet(context.Request.Path, out var endpoint))
            var forwardContext = context

            var token = await context.GetAccessTokenAsync();

            return await forwardContext.Send();

        return new HttpResponseMessage(HttpStatusCode.NotFound);
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Notice the app.Map now maps to any /api based route that gets that far in the pipeline, so we can match any API service, not just group management.

Then we use ProxiedApiRouteEndpointLookup to try and match the request path to a backing service. If there is a match, we do the same as we did before, just using the provided endpoint instead of an hardcoded one. If there is no match, we respond with a 404.

Adjustments to MVC based behaviors

The proxying part is done, but we're still not done. Because previously we were basically proxying the requests manually in a controller (GroupsController), we had things in place to work with MVC, namely enforcing authorization by using an MVC filter (AuthorizeFilter), as well as anti-forgery token validation (AutoValidateAntiforgeryTokenAttribute).

With this move to do things out of MVC, this won't work anymore, so we need to pull these into a middleware as well, so it applies to everything in the BFF, MVC or not.

Enforce authentication at middleware level

To enforce authentication at middleware level we... create a middleware! 🙃


public class EnforceAuthenticatedUserMiddleware : IMiddleware
    public async Task InvokeAsync(HttpContext context, RequestDelegate next)
        if (!context.User.Identity.IsAuthenticated)
            await context.ChallengeAsync();

        await next(context);
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Simple stuff I guess. We learned about implementing middlewares in episode 008, so implementing IMiddleware and the InvokeAsync method should look familiar.

As for the the code that runs on each request, we're simply checking if the user is authenticated. If the user isn't authenticated, we call the ChallengeAsync extension method on the HttpContext, to issue the login request, which might result in a 401 or a redirect to the auth service, depending on the target endpoint of the request.

All we have to do to use the middleware is adding it to DI and to the pipeline:


// in ConfigureServices

// ...

// in Configure, between app.UseAuthentication() and app.UseMvc()
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Validate anti-forgery tokens at middleware level

To validate the anti-forgery token, we implement another middleware.


public class ValidateAntiForgeryTokenMiddleware : IMiddleware
    private readonly IAntiforgery _antiforgery;

    public ValidateAntiForgeryTokenMiddleware(IAntiforgery antiforgery)
        _antiforgery = antiforgery;

    public async Task InvokeAsync(HttpContext context, RequestDelegate next)
        if (ShouldValidate(context))
            await _antiforgery.ValidateRequestAsync(context);

        await next(context);

    private static bool ShouldValidate(HttpContext context)
        // as seen on

        var method = context.Request.Method;
        return !(HttpMethods.IsGet(method)
                 || HttpMethods.IsHead(method)
                 || HttpMethods.IsTrace(method)
                 || HttpMethods.IsOptions(method));
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Again, not much to it. On each request, if it should be validated, we do it, otherwise we just let it go. Requiring or not the validation depends on the request's method, as some are considered safe and don't require validation.

To use it, the same as for EnforceAuthenticatedUserMiddleware:


// in ConfigureServices

// ...

// in Configure, after the use of EnforceAuthenticatedUserMiddleware
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The end of another episode. If we now run the application, making use of our Docker Compose environment, we should see the application running as before.

We didn't advance in terms of adding more features to the application, but we made it easier to do so in the future, without the need to mess with the BFF for every little thing we do on the backend services.

We do however retain the ability to implement things at the BFF level if we so desire, so it's a nice middle ground between agility and flexibility.

As usual in this series, I didn't explore everything ProxyKit has to offer, but only what I found was needed for what I wanted to do. For more detail, check out its GitHub page.

Links in the post:

The source code for this post is spread across the repositories in the "Coding Militia: ASP.NET Core - From 0 to overkill" organization, tagged as episode029.

Sharing and feedback always appreciated!

Thanks for stopping by, cyaz!

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