System Preferences
- Disable "Natural" Mouse Scoll Direction
- System Preferences > Mouse > Uncheck Scroll Direction: Natural
- Use function keys without fn key
- System Preferences > Keyboard > Check Use F1, F2 etc. keys as standard function keys
- Remove text replacements
- System Preferences > Keyboard > Text > Remove โomwโ, Uncheck everything on the right
- Remove all items from dock
- Right-click app icon > Options > Uncheck keep on dock
- Hide dock
- Right-click on empty space on the dock > turn hiding on
- Show file extensions
- Open finder (open any directory) > cmd + , to open settings > advanced tab > check show all filename extensions
Homebrew (Package Manager)
- follow instructions on brew's home page
- run the following in the terminal:
/bin/bash -c "$(curl -fsSL"
Install and Replace Default Applications
- Section TL;DR
brew install alfred iterm2 brave-browser visual-studio-code
Replace Spotlight Search with Alfred 4
Alfred is an ... app which boosts your efficiency ...
- Install Alfred 4
brew install alfred
- Change Spotlight's default hotkeys
- Open Spotlight
- default: cmd + space
- Open Spotlight-specific preferences
- cmd + ,
- Go to shortcuts page
- click Keyboard Shortcuts...
- Change shortcuts for "Show Spotlight Search" or disable it (I use cmd + shift + space)
- Setup Alfred
- Open Alfred
- type alfred in spotlight search
- Go through setup, give it appropriate permissions
- Change Alfred hotkey to cmd + space
- in alfred, hit cmd + , to open settings
- in general tab, click on Alfred Hotkey:
- Add Downloads directory to config
- in Alfred, go to Features tab
- in Search Scope, click the + button near the bottom-right
Replace Terminal with iTerm2
- Install iTerm2
brew install iterm2
- iterm2 > preferences (cmd + ,) > keys > Check show/hide all windows with a system-wide hotkey
Replace Safari with Brave
brew install brave-browser
Replace TextEdit with Visual Studio Code
brew install visual-studio-code
Terminal Setup
- remove last login message
touch ~/.hushlogin
- replace default zsh
brew install zsh
- install zsh theme manager (oh-my-zsh)
sh -c "$(curl -fsSLโ
- remove default theme
- comment this (line 5):
# ZSH_THEME="robbyrussellโ
- comment this (line 5):
- install theme (powerlevel10k)
brew install romkatv/powerlevel10k/powerlevel10k
- apply theme
- append to bottom:
source /usr/local/opt/powerlevel10k/powerlevel10k.zsh-theme
- append to bottom:
- restart terminal (IMPORTANT)
- powerlevel10k should take you through its wizard, and install a powerline font (MesloLGS NF)
- apply new font to iTerm
- open iTerm (cmd + space, if following previous setup)
- open settings (cmd + ,)
- profile > text > font > click change font ... > select MesloLGS NF
- apply new font to Visual Studio Code
- open Visual Studio Code
- open settings (cmd + ,)
- scroll to font and type MesloLGS NF
- Setup zsh autocompletions, syntax highlighting
brew install zsh-autosuggestions
brew install zsh-syntax-highlighting
- add to bottom of zshrc
source /usr/local/share/zsh-autosuggestions/zsh-autosuggestions.zsh
source /usr/local/share/zsh-syntax-highlighting/zsh-syntax-highlighting.zsh
- configure suggestion strategy (append anywhere on zshrc)
ZSH_AUTOSUGGEST_STRATEGY=(completion history)
brew install git
- create ssh key (
ssh-keygen -t ed25519 -C ""
ssh-add ~/.ssh/id_ed25519
- enable zsh plugin for ssh-agent
- add
between round brackets where plugins are defined - e.g.
plugins=(git ssh-agent)
- add
node / nvm
fast version manager (alternative to nvm)
- Install
brew install fnm
- Make avaialable to zsh
- append to zshrc:
eval "$(fnm env)"
- append to zshrc:
- Show available node versions
fnm list-remote
- Install a node version
fnm install <node-version>
- Make a version of node the default
fnm default <node-version>
- Check if node was install correctly
node --version
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