What is Git?
Git is a free and open-source version control system, VERSION CONTROL, it's a way by which programmers/ developers track their code changes - it's the management of changes to documents, computer programs, large websites, and other collections of information.
Terms used in Git
Directory - folders
Terminal/command line - interface for text commands
Command Line Interface
CD - Change Directory
Code Editor - for eg. Visual Studio code, replit, notepad, etc.
Repository - A folder/place where your project is kept
Git vs GitHub
Git is the tool that tracks the changes in your code over time whereas GitHub is an online website where you host all of your git repositories - it organizes your projects into a portfolio for you to showcase to potential employers/clients; it's a visualization tool for your code.
Git Commands
Clone - It brings a repository that is hosted somewhere like GitHub into a folder on your local machine, eg. if there is a repository that is not in your local machine, but it's on GitHub, and you want to bring it down on your local machine, so you can use it locally - clone command.
Add - Its purpose is to track your files and changes in Git, eg. When you have created/updated/deleted files and/or folders, you would want to inform Git that you made changes and that you would like Git to track these changes - add command.
Commit - Saves the files in git, that is, if you want to save the changes you made in your code - commit command.
Push - Upload git commit to a remote repo, like GitHub - once you have committed the changes locally on your computer and you're ready to put them in git, add, and commit, then the next step is to upload them to a remote repo, or a GitHub alternative such as bitbucket, GitLab, etc.
Pull - Download changes from a remote repo(Git Hub) to your local machine - the opposite is push; when there are changes to your code on Git Hub, and you want to bring those to your local machine - pull command. ( you pull down the changes from the GitHub into a local machine.)
readme file - it describes what the project is about, what it does, and any other relevant information- it's like a brief technical documentation of your code.
Init - It is used inside your project from the code editor to turn it into a git repository and now start using git / the terminal with that code base.
Fork - It's a feature on the GitHub website, that makes a complete copy of your repository.
Installation of Git
SSH Keys
You gonna have to prove to GitHub that you are the owner of the account - so you have to connect your local machine via Git to GitHub, this is done by use of ssh keys or https.
NB: If one didn't have access rights, or needed a code review before we merge changes changes in - pull command.
Git Branching
Master- is the naming convention for the default branch in a repository. Branching provides a flexible and powerful way to manage and organize development in a collaborative environment, allowing for efficient and organized version control.
To learn more about git branching:
A Basic Practical Example
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