DEV Community

John Oerter
John Oerter

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Do you use Bootstrap?

Not long ago, it felt like every site and app in the world was built on top of Bootstrap. Now, it feels like there are a lot of other great options and even though Bootstrap is still very popular, I feel like new projects aren't using it as much. I'm curious if you're still using the framework - especially in a newer project and your reasons for or against Bootstrap usage.

Oldest comments (48)

weeb profile image
Patrik Kiss • Edited

Yes I'm using it.
Why? Because that's the only framework I know.

But I'm not using the entirety of it. Like many create a whole responsive website using nothing but Bootstrap, but I'm only using some of its classes, such as ones of display,margin,padding,background/text colors,width etc. So mostly the basics.

Although it's far from perfect, some classes should have much more variants, like w class has only 4: w-25|50|75|100.

For cases like this, I've created my own classes, like w-1|2|3..., or some break-point specific classes, like w-lg-1|2|3...

Also I created classes for positioning too, such as top-1|2|3.../top-md-1|2|3..., and so on.

joerter profile image
John Oerter

I see, so you're using the utility classes heavily. Do you use any of the components? What about the grid?

weeb profile image
Patrik Kiss • Edited

Oh I do use some of the components, I totally forgot that. It's become so natural that I'm using them, that I've really forgot they are all bootstrap components.

They are really useful, especially the modals, those are my personal favourites. But I'm using MDB's enhanced(?) version of these components.

About the grid, I don't really use it.

10ursabanoglu profile image
Onur Şabanoğlu

No I don't use bootstrap anymore, I have switched to tailwind, tailwind is at the beginning of the road but if it goes like this it will replace bootstrap.

joerter profile image
John Oerter

I've heard of Tailwind, but I haven't used it. It's a very interesting concept for sure!

sjellen profile image

I’m using it for a portfolio project that basically has 50 similar pages and only the info and pictures really changed. It really fights you sometimes.

If I had to redo this project I don’t know if I’d use it, but there is a lot I would change.

joerter profile image
John Oerter

Interesting, where is it fighting you? Do you not like some of the default styles?

sjellen profile image

I’m an advanced beginner so I know little. And I’m mostly working with header and Jumbotron. But there is css that it overrides. So when you change something in css that it overrides it jerks(live server). Also it’s take a lot of hunting to find a specific element that I want to edit.
The default styles are great and that’s where I get hung up because I want the slick look but I want to change a highlight or a drop down and it turn into a hunt.
Its more about me than bootstrap though.

blazephoenix profile image
Tanmay Naik • Edited

When I started learning web development, it used to be my go to framework for everything. But then somewhere down the line I started disliking it because of the uniform look it gave to everything I made.

Writing a lot of CSS all by yourself was also a pain, so when I had the option to pick between LESS and SASS, I went with SASS. It became a little easier with SASS but I eventually realized that even when using SASS, development time reduces significantly if you're trying to build a design system for every site you make. Bootstrap is helpful at times when you need to make a quick mockup to see how things work and how they'll look and design tools aren't cutting it.

TL;DR It's a matter of preference, useful in some cases and not so much in others.

joerter profile image
John Oerter

Yes, I agree. Bootstrap sites do tend to look the same, but for quick prototypes it can give you something nice looking pretty quickly.

tatianacodes profile image
Tatiana • Edited

I am a learner, and I currently use it just to stay sharp because my current place of employment uses it (they're actually still on Bootstrap 3, for some reason! Huge relatively prestigious university.) and if I was to move to the Office of IT, I would need to know it. A lot of local job listings also request it. It helps when media queries are grinding my gears and I don't want to put a ton of effort into them.

joerter profile image
John Oerter

That's true, since it's so popular it's useful to be familiar with it for jobs.

itsnunolemos profile image
Nuno Lemos

Yap, Bootstrap and Ant Design for react components

moopet profile image
Ben Sinclair

I'm not a front-end developer by profession, but for my own stuff, I avoid these non-semantic "frameworks" like the plague

manuelojeda profile image
Manuel Ojeda

I do.
Professionally speaking, because I can build fast forms with it. But personally I prefer using CSS Grid and Vanilla CSS (or Sass) instead of Bootstrap.

I started my web dev career using Bootstrap and in the last year when I learned a lot of CSS that make me analyse when I have to user Bootstrap and when not.

joerter profile image
John Oerter

Same here. I feel like the Bootstrap Grid can especially help out when a developer lacks a deep CSS knowledge. But once you know flexbox or CSS grid, the need for the Bootstrap Grid is diminished.

juancarlospaco profile image
Juan Carlos

Bulma or Spectre for me.

momander profile image
Martin Omander

I used to use Bootstrap, but the size and its dependency on jQuery made it feel increasingly clunky. Switched to Buefy, which has a cleaner API, results in smaller bundles, and implements Material Design.

paulocarvajal profile image

Same here, I leave it when it went v4. I tend to use clear and lean.

joerter profile image
John Oerter

That's true. I'm so glad there are projects like ng-bootstrap and react bootstrap that implement it without the need for jQuery

omerlahav profile image
Omer Lahav • Edited

I do use it occasionally. I work with Wordpress a lot, so it sometimes helps.
Two months ago I had to make a landing page where I didn’t need to use JavaScript, so I tried mini.css which was great, both with its size and Grid support. And I have heard a lot about Tailwind so I’m thinking about using it in the future.

My real question for anyone around here: I saw at least one guy saying he’d rather not using it because of its jQuery dependency.
There’s a bootstrap version for each large JS library/framework:
React -
Angular -
VueJS -

So what’s the real excuse?

joerter profile image
John Oerter

Yes! I use ng-bootstrap quite heavily and am really thankful for these projects that implement Bootstrap in the large JS frameworks.

sandipbd profile image

Yes I use it. I also use semantic ui. Basically, I like the simplicity of bootstrap while the advanced features of semantic ui impressed me.

dhatguy profile image
Joseph Odunsi

No, I don't.
I feel like I still need to know more CSS before using frameworks

joerter profile image
John Oerter

That's a good mentality to have, because a deep knowledge of CSS can help you know when and where to apply the CSS frameworks.

thekingofwit profile image
Brian Barrett

I used to do web site la more often in the html3 and 4 days and would code my own CSS. I just learned bootstrap a month ago and my take is too use it as a reference tool or for tutorial/learning projects.
It does a lot prepackaged and that's great, if I want to do something serious or larger I like to look up their examples or classes I use often and copy those to my own CSS and make modifications.
It's great when you need it to work quick, but sometimes you need to "own" your code a little more

xanderyzwich profile image
Corey McCarty

I have a couple of static pages that I serve from GitHub Pages. I was initially using Bootstrap, but while I was working with someone in my local tech community on Slack, he pointed out how long my page load took due to my pulling Bootstrap in its entirety (and I was only making one small usage of being able to align multiple text blocks in a single row). He suggested Barebones framework, and that is perfectly capable, and you only need to include 3 css files in your project (NO CMS). I recently changed over to MaterializeCSS framework which is a bit bulkier than Barebones, but really easy to work with.