I recently wrote about why Mini Micro's display is 960 x 640 pixels. In short: that's a reasonably high but still manageable resolution.
But many people discover Mini Micro because they're into retro computing, and they want to really lean into that retro look. Early home computers typically had a resolution around 320 x 200 pixels, at which scale you can really see the pixels. If you love pixel art, that's exactly what you want.
So, in this post, we'll explore how best to set up such a lower-resolution display in Mini Micro.
Scaling a PixelDisplay
The easiest (and also most retro-authentic) thing you can do is to simply scale up any PixelDisplay you use. If you scale it by a factor of 3, then the effective resolution is 320 x 213, very close to the classic 320 x 200.
Source code for the above demo
gfx.scale = 3
gfx.drawEllipse 0, 0, 320, 213, color.silver
gfx.line 0, 0, 320, 213, color.blue
gfx.line 0, 213, 320, 0, color.blue
gfx.print "gfx.scale = 3", 5, 5
img = file.loadImage("/sys/pics/tank.png")
gfx.drawImage img, 200, 100
The pixels don't even have to be square! For example, if you're porting some old Applesoft BASIC program that used low-res (48 columns by 40 rows) graphics, you can do that by using a scale of [960/40, 640/48].
Source code for the above demo
gfx.scale = [960/40, 640/48]
gfx.drawEllipse 0, 0, 40, 48, color.silver
gfx.line 0, 0, 40, 48, color.blue
gfx.line 0, 48, 40, 0, color.blue
gfx.print "low", 7, 25, color.green, "small"
gfx.print "res", 7, 4, color.green, "small"
Scaling a TileDisplay
It's just as easy to scale a TileDisplay; you simply set the cellSize
(which is how big each cell of the display appears on-screen) to some multiple of tileSetTileSize
(which is how big the tiles are in the tile set image).
Source code for the above demo
display(5).mode = displayMode.tile
td = display(5)
td.tileSet = file.loadImage("/sys/pics/1bitTiles.png")
td.tileSetTileSize = 16
td.cellSize = 16*6
ROWS = 640/td.cellSize
COLS = 960/td.cellSize
td.clear 5
td.setCellTint range(0,COLS), range(0,ROWS), color.green
td.setCell 8,4, 212; td.setCellTint 8,4, color.brown
td.setCell 8,5, 180; td.setCellTint 8,5, color.lime
td.setCell 5,3, 27; td.setCellTint 5,3, color.silver
td.setCell 2,4, 184; td.setCellTint 2,4, color.red
for y in range(0,ROWS)
td.setCell 6,y, 172; td.setCellTint 6,y, color.blue
end for
td.setCell 6,2, 166; td.setCellTint 6,2, color.brown
Scaling Sprites
Sprites in Mini Micro are easily scaled, individually (just assign a number to the scale
property). And this scaling works in a pixel-precise manner — no blurring or interpolation — which is just what you want for pixel graphics.
Unfortunately, you currently can't scale the entire SpriteDisplay at once. That means that it's up to your code to not only scale the sprites, but position them in even multiples of your scaling factor.
But you can make this relatively painless by defining a Sprite subclass that does the conversion from world (low-res) to screen (high-res) positions for you, like so:
ScaledSprite = new Sprite
ScaledSprite.wx = 0 // "world x"
ScaledSprite.wy = 0 // "world y"
ScaledSprite.update = function
self.x = round(self.wx) * self.scale
self.y = round(self.wy) * self.scale
end function

Source code for the above demo
gfx.scale = 6
for i in range(1000)
c = color.rgb(50*rnd, 50*rnd, 100+150*rnd)
gfx.setPixel 160*rnd, 106*rnd, c
end for
sprDisp = display(4) // sprite display
oneBitImage = file.loadImage("/sys/pics/1bitTiles.png")
guy = oneBitImage.getImage(336, 352, 16, 16)
ScaledSprite = new Sprite
ScaledSprite.wx = 0 // "world x"
ScaledSprite.wy = 0 // "world y"
ScaledSprite.update = function
self.x = round(self.wx) * self.scale
self.y = round(self.wy) * self.scale
end function
sp = new ScaledSprite
sp.scale = 6
sp.image = guy
sp.tint = "#FFFFAA"
sp.wx = 80; sp.wy = 50
sprDisp.sprites.push sp
while true
sp.wx += 1
sp.wy = 80 + 5 * sin(sp.wx/5)
wait 0.25
end while
Now that you know all the tricks for getting nice chunky graphics in Mini Micro, you can create any low-resolution retro-style pixel-art masterpiece you can imagine. What will you create?
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