
Discussion on: Thoughts on migrating to TypeScript and improving the overall quality of the frontend DEV codebase

john_papa profile image
John Papa

I find one of the easiest and most comfortable ways to slide into TypeScript are to leave the current code base as-is and first add // @ts-check to the top of your JavaScript files inside of VS Code. This helps the editor treat your javascript with the typescript compiler. It will raise issues you may not known you had. This will not change the way your app runs, so it is a very low risk (no risk) way to start.

Second ... once comfortable ... I recommend adding new files as TypeScript. You'd likely want to create a tsconfig.json file and a tsc npm script to compile the typescript. But the code itself ... I like to start with the same coding styles I use in JavaScript. In other words, if you are using functions and constants and let/var ... continue doing so. Just add a little bit of typing and interfaces as you go.

What's the biggest hangup in typescript I see? One of the big ones I try to help folks with is avoiding the feeling that everything must be typed. any is ok. Embrace it when you start out. You can always get more specific later if it helps. Also, if the type can be implicitly determined, then don't explicitly type it. Here is an example ...

let name1: string  = 'john papa';

let name2 = 'john papa';

Notice that the second one is still a string. We defined it as such. Why bother adding more code? More code is more to maintain and it can make code harder to read. Not buying it yet ... try this one ...

getSpeakers(): Observable<Speaker[]> {
    let speakers$: Observable<Speaker[]>;
    speakers$ = <Observable<Speaker[]>>this.http.get<Speaker[]>(speakersUrl);
    return speakers$;

This could be much more readable like this ...

getSpeakers(): Observable<Speaker[]> {
    const speakers$ = this.http.get<Speaker[]>(speakersUrl);
    return speakers$;

Thanks for indulging my stray thoughts :)

jacobmgevans profile image
Jacob Evans


rhymes profile image

Love this approach!

ssalka profile image
Steven Salka

If you use tslint, you can enforce this with the no-inferrable-types rule 🙂

karataev profile image
Eugene Karataev

I have no experience with TypeScript, so I might say something stupid here. But what's the point of continious integration of TypeScript in a big project? It's very unlikely that you'll rewrite all your codebase to TypeScript, so part of your code will be typed and other part will be just vanilla javascript. I guess you will not feel secure backed by types, because you'll know that it's not true.

In total you'll get:

  • New dependency, configuration, transpiling step, .d.ts files
  • More code to type +- New code will be covered with types, but connections with old code will not
john_papa profile image
John Papa • Edited

Thanks for replying! These are good questions to ask. They are not "stupid" in my opinion :)

You do write more code with TS, but you also get a stronger sense of finding issues while coding vs finding them while they code is in production. To me, one of the biggest values in TS is that many potential bugs surface themselves at dev time vs run time.

Is there value in only having new code in TS? There can be as this new code would make me feel more confident. You can also add the // @ts-check to existing JavaScript in VS Code ... give that a shot. That alone is quite amazing at what it can surface in existing JavaScript.

New thought --- Another option is to run the typescript compiler on javascript. No TypeScript at all. The compiler will examine the javascript and report any issues it finds (it's like adding ts-check to all of your files). I did this on a large codebase and it did indeed surface a lot of potential issues that were hiding. This is a super low (no) risk way of trying it.

Again, thanks for the great questions. Always good to ask - especially if something isn't quite feeling right.

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karataev profile image
Eugene Karataev

Oh, I didn't know that I can run typescript compiler on javascript code without modifying the existing code. Thanks, I'll give it a try.

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john_papa profile image
John Papa

Set allowJs to true in the tsconfig.json file to tell typescript to look at the js.

Good luck!

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amcsi profile image
Attila Szeremi⚡

Why didn't you just recommend this from the start? Seems a lot simpler than to add // @ts-check to every single JS file like you said in your original comment :P

johnbwoodruff profile image
John Woodruff

I work on a large older codebase that we decided to convert to TypeScript. While it has taken us some time to get there, we are at probably 95% TypeScript, and the rest should be taken care of within a month. It is definitely possible, and is easier to do the more you realize it helps you with code quality and developer happiness. It went from being a chore to being an exciting thing to convert a file over here and there.