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Johnson Fash
Johnson Fash

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JavaScript On Scroll Animation Library

OnScroll Animation

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On Scroll Animation Library is a simple JavaScript library for animation when element(s) are in view while scrolling the browser.

๐Ÿš€ Demo

โš™ Installation

Option A.

NPM installation

npm install onscroll-animation --save
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import OnScrollAnimation from "onscroll-animation";

const animate = new OnScrollAnimation({
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Option B.

Use CDN - load directly fromย jsDelivr CDN

<script src=""></script>

var animate = new OnScrollAnimation({
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var animate = new OnScrollAnimation({
        ".grid11": {
          parameters: [
            "animation-duration: 0.8s",
            "animation-delay: 1s",
            "animation-fill-mode: forwards"
          to: ["transform: translateX(-150px)"]
        " .left, section.three .book, section.five .other": {
          from: ["left: -500px"],
          to: { left: "0px" }
        " .right, section.three .complex, section.five .person": {
          from: ["right: -500px"],
          to: ["right: 0px"]
        "section.two": {
          from: ["opacity: 0", "transform: translateY(100px)"],
          to: [ "opacity: 1", "transform: translateY(0px)"]
          parameters: ["animation-duration: 0.8s", "animation-fill-mode: forwards"],
          to: ["transform: translateY(-110px)"]
      animate.defaultParam(["animation-duration: .8s", "run: once", "animation-fill-mode: forwards","pixel-correction: -100px", "animation-time-function: ease-out"]);
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OnScrollAnimationย class

OnScrollAnimation({....}) accept only an object {...}. This object contains css selectors like ".grid10",ย "section.two img, section.four img" etc.

Basically, this object properties can be any css selector, which a document.querySelector() method accepts.

The value for the CSS Selector i.e ".grid4" must be an object which holds various properties and values for animation to work.


1. `parameters:[...]ย  or parameters: {...}` ;

This define @keyframes property for each element i.eย parameters: [...]ย orย parameters: {...) can be an array containing strings of regular css or object containing its javascript equivalent like the example below:


run can be omitted or included. This lets you determine if animation runs once or continous anytime an animated element is in view.


pixel-correction or pixelCorrection use to make correction (in pixel) to when animation starts for an element. i.e 100px means scroll 100px downward before animation starts for an element in viewport, and -100px the opposite.

parameters: [
  "animation-duration: 1s",
  "animation-delay: 2s",
  "animation-fill-mode: forwards",
  "animation-time-function: ease-in",
  "pixel-correction: -200px",  // makes correction to how far down or up to go before element in view animates
  "run: once",   //can be ommited. default is to run everytime element is in view

  or using object

  parameters: {
  animationDuration: "1s",
  animationDelay: "2s",
  animationFillMode: "forwards",
  animationTimeFunction: "ease-in",
  pixelCorrection: "-200px",
  run: "once",
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There is non shortcut like "animation: drop 1s forwards" for now. Please specifically list out your @keyframes by name and function like in the example above.

Properties of a selector i.e parameters, **from**, to, 0%, **75%** and more can both be an array, containing string equivalent of your regular css property or an object containing its equivalent in javascript. i.e "max-width" is maxWidth when working with objects.

2. from: [...] or from:{...}

Similar to css property from {.....} used in @keyframe. i.e from: ["width: 0px","height:20px"....]

3. to: [...] or to: {....}

Similar to css property to: {.....} used in @keyframe after defining from {...} i.e to: {width: "100%",height: "200px"}

4. 0: [...], 50: [...], 100:{.....}

This is similar to using percentage in @keyframes, only difference is not including the % sign i.e

const animation = OnScrollAnimation({
  "#imag1": {
    parameters: [.....],
    0: ["width: 20px".....],
    30: [......],
    80: [.....]
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Using custom css

Without defining animation @keyframes in javascript, custom css can be used with each element by including a class that defines the @keyframe in your stylesheet i.e

  <img alt="ball" scr="./asset/ball.jpg" class="image1"/>

  .move {
    animation: ballmove 1s forwards;
  @keyframes ballmove{
    from {
      transform: -100px;
    to {
      transform: 300px;

const animation  = new OnScrollAnimation({
  ".image1": {
    css: "move"  // adds custom css class only
  "img": {
    css: "bounce"
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The Animation method defaultParams() defines a default paramter for each selector. Meaning you can ommit the parameters property for every element if they are all thesame i.e

const animation = new OnScrollAnimation({
  ".grid1, .grid2": {
    from: [....],
    to: [....]
  ".grid4": {
    0: [...],
    50: [...]
animation.defaultParams(["animation-duration: 1s", "animation-fill-mode: forwards"]); // or animation.defaultParams({animationDuration: "2s".......});
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You can also ovaride the defaultParams() method for an element by specifying its own parameters i.e

const animation = new OnScrollAnimation({
  ".grid1, .grid2": {
    from: [....],
    to: [....]
  ".grid4": {
    parameters: [....]  // override defaultParams
    0: [...],
    50: [...]
animation.defaultParams(["animation-duration: 1s", "animation-fill-mode: forwards"]); // or animation.defaultParams({animationDuration: "2s".......});
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The init() method initialize the animation to run after the page loads.

More Example:

const animation = new OnScrollAnimation({
        ".one": {
          parameters: [
            "animation-duration: 1s",
            "pixel-correction: -100px",
            "animation-delay: .5s",
            "animation-time-function: linear"
          from: [
            "transform: translateY(-1000px)"
          to: [
            "transform: translateY(0px)"
        ".two": {
          parameters: [
            "animation-duration: 1s",
            "pixel-correction: -300px"
          from: {
            transform: "rotate(0deg)"
          to: [
            "transform: rotate(360deg)"
        "article.three": {
          parameters: {
            animationDuration: "1s",
            animationFillMode: "forwards",
            animationTimingFunction: "ease-in"
          0: [
            "transform: translateX(-1000px)",
          50: [
            "transform: translateX(1000px)",
            "background-color: red"
          100: [
            "transform: translateX(0px)"
        ".four": {
          parameters: [
            "animation-duration: 1s"
          from: [
            "transform: skewX(20deg) translateX(-1000px)"
          to: [
            "transform: skewX(0deg) translateX(0px)"
        ".five": {
          parameters: [
            "animation-duration: 1s"
          from: [
            "position: relative",
            "right: -1000px",
            "transform: skewX(-20deg)"
          to: [
            "position: relative",
            "right: 0px",
            "transform: skewX(0deg)"
        ".six": {
          parameters: [
            "animation-duration: 2s",
            "animation-fill-mode: forwards",
          0: [
            "transform: translateY(0)"
          75: [
            "transform: translateY(50vh)"
        ".seven": {
          parameters: [
            "animation-duration: 1.5s"
          from: [
          "transform: rotateY(0deg)"
          to: [
          "transform: rotateY(360deg)"
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Top comments (2)

mohdahmad1 profile image
Mohd Ahmad

Use Framer Motion it is best for making physics based animations in react

johnsonfash profile image
Johnson Fash • Edited

Frama is a good suggestion, but this is for custom animation with more flexibility.. and its for item in view, not general animation