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My 15 Gas Optimization techniques for a standard Solidity smart contract

Gas optimization is crucial to reduce costs and enhance the efficiency of smart contracts. So, how can you achieve this? Here are thirteen tips to help you optimize gas usage in Solidity:

  1. Use appropriate data types:
    Choosing the right data types can significantly reduce gas consumption.

  2. Opt for mappings over arrays:
    This allows for faster indexing, and reduce gas consumption.

  3. Choose fixed-sized arrays over dynamic ones:
    Fixed-sized arrays are more efficient.

  4. Minimize on-chain data:
    Store data off-chain when appropriate.

  5. Enable Solidity compiler optimization:
    This can notably cut down gas usage

  6. Precompute data off-chain whenever possible:
    Complex calculations done off-chain can reduce gas costs.

  7. Utilize constants and immutable variables:
    These can lower gas costs associated with storage operations.

  8. Short-circuit conditionals:
    This can save gas by not evaluating the rest of the expression if the first part is true or false.

  9. Pack variables:
    Storing multiple variables in a single storage slot can save gas.

  10. Use well-tested libraries:
    Avoiding code duplication and using well optimised libraries can reduce gas costs.

  11. Utilize the external visibility modifier:
    It's often more gas-efficient than public.

  12. Utilize indexed events:
    This can save gas by storing indexed parameters in a separate data structure.

  13. Use custom error handling:
    This reduces gas usage than using the require technique.

  14. Avoid using many iterative loops in your contract:
    This avoids overlooping that keeps on using gas. You should actually avoid it up to no-use of them because they are too dangerous when it comes to gas utilization.

  15. Thoroughly test contracts and get them audited:
    This is crucial for gas optimization and security. By all means, try to increase contract coverage as much as possible.

Top comments (6)

apotre profile image
Mwenedata Apotre

Great blog, details are needed on every strategy though.

jonassebera profile image


paccyc profile image


chancedira profile image
Chance Desire IRADUKUNDA

This is really useful, Thanks for sharing.

elissa profile image

This is interesting though

pree_mium profile image
