What I built
I built a simple little Dev Dad Joke generator. Hit refresh for a new joke.
Category Submission:
Random Roulette
App Link
I only learned about the DigitalOcean App Platform Hackathon two days ago. With going on leave next week, and having the weekend to build something, I needed to come up with something small, that I could develop and deploy quickly.
A quick online search for a free, open source Joke API, and I was off to the races.
Link to Source Code
Permissive License
I'm a developer, a dad, and I love dad jokes, and I had an evening to build something.
How I built it
I used Laravel to build it, as it's the quickest I'd be able to get something off the ground with a basic front end UI out of the box, that I could customize.
I searched for a free and open source Joke API, and found one on GitHub at https://github.com/Sv443/JokeAPI.
Top comments (9)
That looks good! It's nice seeing my API being put to good use :)
Would you be okay with me adding your project to the dependent lists on the docs and readme?
Sven, I had no idea you would see this, your API is amazing and so easy to use. Thank you for helping me build my silly little app 😁
Please, it would be an honor for me to be included in the dependent list.
Thanks for those kind words :)
Alright, I'll include your project in the next release, 2.3.1
BTW I was considering adding this as a feature
Please feel free to comment there if you have any concerns/requests. I'd hate it if it became something that was a burden to you.
I don't have any concerns, that's what I made that feature for, in fact I love that people keep submitting new jokes! Just note that there's a strict rate limiting of 5 submissions per minute per IP address.
Absolutely love this! 😂

I've seen a few like that that really made me lol.
I just put this together for the fun of trying out the DO app platform, I might actually go and buy a domain for it and try to see if I can make it better/more user friendly. The world needs more laughter.
Totally agree! If you choose to do so, I can give my thoughts on the design aspect! :D
If you have some time github.com/jonathanbossenger/devda...