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jon jones
jon jones

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An Overview of Front-End Development

An Overview of Front-End Development

A front-end web developer is a person who makes all of the buttons, links, animations, and other elements you see on websites. The front-end developer must translate the client's vision and design concept into code.

The logo, search bar, buttons, overall structure, and user interface were all created by a front-end developer. The appearance and feel of the website are the responsibility of front-end developers. Front-end developers must also ensure that the website looks well on all platforms (phones, tablets, and computer screens).
The website must look nice across all devices, which is another responsibility of front-end developers (phones, tablets, and computer screens).
HTML, CSS, and JavaScript are the key languages you need to be proficient in. You can then focus on frameworks, libraries, and other helpful tools.

HyperText Markup Language, or HTML. The page's content, such as buttons, links, headings, paragraphs, and lists, is displayed using HTML.
HTML shouldn't be utilized for styling. CSS is used for that purpose.
To begin learning the fundamentals, I advise working through the freeCodeCamp HTML tasks.

CSS, or cascading style sheets, is an acronym. The style of your website, including its colors, designs, and animations, is controlled by CSS.
You will learn the fundamentals of CSS, responsive design, and accessibility in freeCodeCamp's Responsive Web Design Course. Websites must use responsive design to look nice across all platforms.
Making sure that everyone can use your websites easily is known as accessibility. You don't want to design websites that people using screen readers or other assistive technologies can't utilize.
You'll be able to start creating simple web pages once you've finished the course.

Users can interact with the website using JavaScript. You can find JavaScript examples on almost any website, including the freeCodeCamp homepage.
For instance, when I click the Menu button at the top of the page, a dropdown menu of choices is displayed. It toggles back and forth between opening and closing the Menu each time I hit that button.

Preprocessors, Libraries, and Frameworks for CSS
You can use different libraries and frameworks once you have a firm grasp of the foundations of CSS. These innovations were made to speed up the process of development.
How Can a Front End Developer Find Work?

After becoming an expert in front-end development's technical components, you must focus on putting together your materials for job applications. There are a tonne of excellent resources that can show you how to get a job as a developer. If you are looking for a complete web development Bootcamp, Learnbay has the best full stack development course which will help you secure a lucrative position in the IT sector.

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