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What should I learn next?

Josefine Schfr on November 15, 2022

I need some community advice, please 🙏 I'm in the extremely privileged situation that there is apparently an education budget at Storyblok - which...
jmfayard profile image
Jean-Michel 🕵🏻‍♂️ Fayard

Hello Josephine
How can we tell you what to learn?
We don't know what your goals are!
I think you should define something cool you would really love to be able to do in a couple of months and work backwards from there

raibtoffoletto profile image
Raí B. Toffoletto

Maybe there is some certification you are interested in? Depends on what you are you thinking as next step in your career. If it's as a public speaker, yes presentation, business management, marketing or maybe project management !? If is more code related, yes dig into CSS JavaScript or any other framework/ language you feel will open doors for you! Maybe something backend related!? DevOps...

josefine profile image
Josefine Schfr

Certifications are definitely something for me to look into. I thought about getting certified in web accessibility, the courses by Deque are really great for that :)

aarone4 profile image
Aaron Reese

Vue Mastery
Anything and everything by Max Schwartzmuller on Udemy
Wes Bos and Level Up Tutorials.

Also a Novel/training guide called A Curious Moon which teaches Postgress and data analytics using the NASA cassini missions data (you will need A LOT of disc space!)

josefine profile image
Josefine Schfr

Wow that sounds interesting. Thank you for sharing 🙏

igormihacic profile image
Igor Mihačič

As others said, you didn't tell us where you see your path in general - like front-end, back-end or more soft skills like project management etc.

But, you can take the 1 year for about 200€ and you have plenty to choose. have also the but it's from 5 users onwards. A lot of excellent courses but you have to pay separately for each course. is more about Laravel and PHP but you have also a lot of other topics and you can have a 1 year sub for about 70€.

But you can do also some research ( and find out the learning platforms that offers an annual subscription and then you can decide on the path later.

If you spend 1k€ in yearly subs you can study for 1 year 24/7 and you won't get to 10% not even close .. :D

Most of all, decide what you like and enjoy doing and then take the path.

Oh, I almost forgot ... you have also Zero to Mastery (they have courses on Udemy) but you can get a 1 year sub here for 280 for 1 year or 1k for lifetime ;) They also have some nice paths

Cheers, Igor

josefine profile image
Josefine Schfr

woooahh :D You are right, I don't need the money, I need time to do the courses :D
I opted now for Amy Duttons Everything Svelte course which was recommended here, it's brilliant, but more then enough to cover for quite some time ^^

cadayton profile image
Craig Dayton

Figure out what you love to do and see if you can make a living at it. This way you'll never think of it as a job. I would exhaust any free reference material on the desired topic before spending money on course material. Having to choose between a person with experience and a person with certificates, I'm going with the person with experience every time. Experience is always the best teacher.

lensco825 profile image

I suggest using Code acedmy, it has lots of programming languages and career paths that you'll get a certificates for after completing .

I also think you should just make a road-map of what you want to learn. It could go from HTML and CSS things that you never learned before to frameworks or new programming languages. It's easier to stay focused on one subject for a week or month than two try and learn something about from a different language each day.

josefine profile image
Josefine Schfr

Very true, I guess that's exactly what I'm lacking right now - focus :D A roadmap is a great idea, thank you!

nikfp profile image
Nik F P

Can you use it to pay for admission to a conference sometime in 2023? That would count as "education" as I would interpret it.

josefine profile image
Josefine Schfr

Yeah, pretty sure we could also use it for conferences :) Do you have a personal favorite there? :)

bibisebi profile image
Bibiana Sebestianova

I just remember from our conversation yesterday: you can also checkout 🥳

kevinmac61 profile image
Kevin MacKenzie

The course is very good.

josefine profile image
Josefine Schfr

Oh wow, this is so cool - thanks for sharing Kevin, I will definitely check that out!

kolja profile image

The full course costs 150$ so you can invite a lot of your friends 😉

janpauldahlke profile image
jan paul

in rust we trust!