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Why I chose to lead the path of Essentialism - Part 1.

Essentialism as described in the book, "Essentialism: The Disciplined Pursuit of the Less" - is the systemic approach in identifying where our highest point of contribution lies, and the execution of those things effortlessly. Essentialism believes in "Less but Better".

Decision Fatigue.

making decisions

As human beings, we tend to do a lot of things. We try to be a lot of things. This, I would say, is the nature of men, we are multi-dimensional beings, it is in our nature to want to do more. However, it is this very nature that would sometimes lead us to the path of dissatisfaction, discontentment, and being distracted.

Every day we are presented with a lot of choices. In my case, I've always been indecisive about what I want to be, not because I can't choose, but because I want to have it all. I easily jump into new things that piqued my interests, things that others advocate for. But, as I read the first chapter of this book, I started to realize that I haven't really been a master of any of those topics that I have touched nor would I consider myself knowledgeable in the subject area. It left a cluttered roadmap of my life and career.

The first chapter taught me to pause and ask myself the question, the right questions - "Am I investing my time and resources in the right thing? is this the thing that I truly want?". Right at the moment, it would really be hard to decipher whether you're making the right decision or not. But, I have also learned to decide not based on emotions, as they are temporary and soon pass, but by reason and practicality. Ask these questions to yourself; this would help you filter through your cluttered mind, leaving non-essentials behind. Having less, but better.

Learn to say No.


I'm a people pleaser. I love to make people happy around me and help them in ways that I can. I do things as they bid, without actually thinking for myself or how it would disrupt my schedule. What's important for me then, is that people would be able to depend on me, that I'd feel important to them. The amount of "yes" (Some of my yes's) I've replied would also be the same amount of "No" I wished I'd uttered.

This book has taught me that we should evaluate whether the request is something that we can truly do without having to compromise our own tasks and schedule. If we can't accommodate, it's okay to say no. By being selective and articulate in the things that we will do, it would afford us greater freedom where creativity can be fostered. Trying to get the right things done is a million times better than trying to get everything done. Always assess the trade-offs and ask whether accepting the request is worth our time. After all, time is the most expensive thing.

If we would be able to filter through what other people want of us or what we want to do for them, we would be able to put our focus on the things that truly matter for us, leaving behind non-essentials. By doing less, we become better.

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