DEV Community

Joe Pool
Joe Pool

Posted on

Looking for Angular Debugging Help

I am looking for a good place to post questions about Angular development and structure that I can't seem to grasp from tutorials alone.

I can't seem to ask basic questions about web development on because my reputation is too high. I get a few downvotes, and nobody looks at my questions.

We have a big project here that we are taking over, and I need a way to just get questions. It seems odd that I haven't found any decent forums on Angular.

Right now, I am trying to import data to create Entities. The button calls a javascript compare routine that is throwing out the message, "Error: Related Entity 'Physical Location' used by Reference Field 'Physical Location' does not exist in Target. Create Related Entity in Target and try again." What table is it talking about? How do I step into the code to see what it is doing?

The package.json file shows "version": "0.0.0", but I know it isn't that. The TypeScript is compiled to JavaScript and used in our Visual Studio 2019 project by Razor, ASP.NET and MVC - none of which I excel at. Most of the files are logically arranged, but there are lots of files that seem way too hard to find.

Where is a good place to go for help, not tutorials?

Top comments (1)

jwp profile image
John Peters

The word Entity is not a common word in the front end. But because you mentioned Razor I'm guessing this is a backend reference to something not discoverable in the boot up of the Razor page. I recall there's a required library import for Razor pages to run.