When selecting my courses for my last semester, I saw “SPO600 - Software Portability and Optimization” and thought to myself - this is a good opportunity to step out of comfort zone of web technologies and learn about how software “works under the hood”.
After reading the course description and I Googled “what is software portability?” One of the top answers were: “the ability of software to be efficiently used across different environments without losing functionality or quality.” Through continued self research, portability deals with the “nitty-gritty” of code - where the code we write in high-level languages gets translated into machine code, which is specific to the architecture of the machine it is being run on.

We interact with software everyday and most of us, myself included, don’t think twice about how and why it works? By the end of this course I want to understand “How do multi-platforms apps/games work?”, “How do game emulators work?”, “Why are some programming languages ‘faster’ than others?”. Of course these are a handful of questions I have but I believe I will have more interesting ones as the course progresses!
I’ll have more updates soon!
Reference: Ram, J. (n.d.). Figure showing the translation of high-level language into machine code. Retrieved from
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