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John Robertson
John Robertson

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TUI select fn

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Those of you familiar with bash's select builtin know that the automated layout of choices is a nice feature. Last week while prototyping some SQL I became frustrated with select, mostly because you must type in a number and then press the Enter key. Remembering the TUI interfaces of the 1980's, I set about writing hkselect, a hotkey driven replacement for select. Here are the main features:

  • Automated layout of choices.
  • Assign item hotkey with &.
  • Automatic hotkey assignment if & is missing.
  • Bind escaped keys to callback functions.
  • Transparently caches layout information and composed labels.

Full project is here

Below is an example bash program with a functioning hotkey TUI that includes callbacks for F1, F2, and F3:

# Comments from hkselect() implementation in bash++
function hkselect
# Approximate replacement for bash's builtin `select'.
# hkselect() does not require the user to press enter key
# to finalize choice.
# Usage: hkselect [command_flags] arg1 ...
# User choices are supplied as args to the function, and
# the hotkey may be indicated by placing an `&' in
# the preceding character, e.g.
# press&kplease
# where `k' is the hotkey. If a hotkey is not indicated,
# then one will be assigned automatically.
# Command flags:
# -b 'keystr|funcname|arg1 arg2 ...' Bind escape-based key (F1-F12, Arrows, ...) to a function
# -B global_arr_name Array of -b arguments
# -p left_pad Left margin padding count
# -r 'rebuke string' String to print when user pressed invalid key
# -s 'subtitle string' Subtitle to print below choices
# -w max_width Limit the width of choices layout
# Global variables:
# HKSELKEY - key the user pressed when making a successful choice
# REPLY - zero based index of the arg whose hotkey was pressed
# RETURN: upon return the value of HKSELKEY will contain the key which
# the user pressed, and REPLY will contain the 0-based index of the
# matching argument passed when hkselect() was called
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# Script to demonstrate use of hkselect() function in bash++
# John Robertson <>
# Initial release: Tue Mar 30 11:02:44 EDT 2021
# Halt on error, no globbing, no unbound variables
set -efu
# import bash++ facilities
source ../bash++
# Flag so we know when a bound key was pressed
function FnKey_cb
# This function is bound to function keys
1>&2 echo -en "\nI can see you've pressed $1\nPress return to continue "
# Note that a bound key callback cause hkselect() to return.
function cleanup
# Cleanup on exit
# Restore cursor
tput cvvis
# Reset any text attributes
tput sgr0
### Execution starts here #########
# cleanup on exit
trap cleanup 0
# Data might come from a dynamic source, like a file or pipe or ...
declare -a DATA_CHOICES=([0]=one [1]=two [2]=three)
# Strings we'll use repeatedly
PAD=" "
REBUKE="${PAD}$(tput bold)Please make a selection, or press a function key.$(tput sgr0)"
SUBTITLE="${PAD}You will write awesome programs with $(tput bold)bash++$(tput sgr0)"
# Loop processing user keystrokes
while true; do
# Clear the terminal
tput clear
# Print banner
1>&2 echo -e "\n${PAD}$(tput rev)Welcome to the hkselect example program$(tput sgr0)"
1>&2 echo -e "${PAD}$(tput bold)Press a function key!$(tput sgr0)"
# Wait for user to press a valid key
hkselect \
-r "$REBUKE"\
-p 4 \
-b $(tput kf1)'|FnKey_cb|F1' \
-b $(tput kf2)'|FnKey_cb|F2' \
-b $(tput kf3)'|FnKey_cb|F3' \
'&Shout hurray!' 'E&xit'
# Handle known hotkeys first
case $HKSELKEY in
1>&2 echo -en 'Hurray!\nPress return to continue '
read discard
x|X) break;;
$'\e') # User pressed escape
*) # Could be an automatically assigned hotkey
if (( !is_boundKey )); then
# If we get to here, then REPLY contains the zero based index of the item chosen by the user
1>&2 echo -en "Thank you for selecting '${DATA_CHOICES[$REPLY]}'.\nPress return to continue "
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