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Cover image for Tables can hold more than dinner.
Ricardo Juarez
Ricardo Juarez

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Tables can hold more than dinner.

I recently learned about record keeping and databases.

Turns out people have been keeping records of things for a long, long time. Some of the first records kept were by farmers counting up their harvest and tracking the weather.

We've come a long way since then,
but the methods have remained the same,
relatively speaking.

The tools are different now though,
and nearly everything it seems is being kept record of by someone.
It's all stored in databases.
and those databases need systems to organize them.

But how do we sort out all this data,
it seems nearly endless?


Within them,
you can store an almost infinite amount of stuff.
but these tables have rules,
you can't just plug away willy-nilly.

Tables are usually seen on spreadsheets,
and the spreadsheet will have rows and columns that help designate what goes where.

At any point where a row and column meet you'll find a cell.
Cells have a fundamental law:


Should someone stray from this law,
this will get messy real quick.

Another neat thing I learned is that not all tables need to be visible to users.
Some simply provide support to other tables,
through what is known as One-to-Many and Many-to-Many.
These types of tables will draw info from one table and potential send it to another.

This is possible with the use of id numbers.

I'm excited to see how many ways databases are utilized down the line.

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