A variable is a container where we can store a value.
- can be reassigned but not redeclared
can declare let with a value when declaring the variable, or declare it and not give it a value.
with let arrays: you can update it at any point. let is the var keyword but block-scoped.
- cannot be reassigned or redeclared
cannot declare const with a value and not give it a value. can't say const chicken; because const is supposed to say constant, so you need to know ahead of time what the value is going to be.
const array: the values can be updating the values/pushing onto the array. You're still changing the array. you're not updating the reference. pointing to the same array/object in memory. can't change the reference. We are not able to reassign the array itself but we can reassign any of its elements.
declares variables
declares a function-scoped or globally-scoped variable, optionally initializing it to a value.
can declare a var with a value when you declare the variable, or declare it and not give it a value.
you can redeclare the variable at any time
var x = 10; var x = "hi";
You're not just updating/reassigning x, you are completely redeclaring it. can't do that with let or const.
a variable can be used before it has been declared
when variables are set to undefined. declared before the rest of the code.
let and const get hoisted. they are not set to undefined like var.
var is scoped to the current execution context. scoped to their enclosing function if they are in a function. if not, they are part of the global scope.
let and const are block scoped. var is not block scoped. it is scoped to the current execution context.
when you declare var in global scope, it is added to the window object. const and let are not in the window object.
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