Ruby on Rails is a powerful web application framework that simplifies the development process. If you’re preparing for a role that involves Ruby on Rails, expect questions that test your understanding of MVC architecture, Rails conventions, and database integrations. To help you prepare, here’s a list of frequently asked questions that you might encounter during your interview.
Basic Questions
- What is Ruby on Rails? What type of applications is it used for?
- Explain the Model-View-Controller (MVC) architecture in Rails.
- How do you create a new Rails application?
- What is a Rails migration? How do you create and run migrations?
- What is ActiveRecord? How does it interact with the database?
- What are the differences between render and redirect_to in Rails?
- Explain the concept of routes in Rails. Where are they defined?
- What is the Rails Asset Pipeline? Why is it useful?
- What are Rails validations? Provide an example of using validations in a model.
- What is the Gemfile in Rails? How do you install and manage gems?
Intermediate Questions
- How does Rails manage database relationships? Explain belongs_to, has_many, and has_and_belongs_to_many.
- What is RESTful routing in Rails? How do you define routes for a resource?
- What is a helper in Rails? How are helpers different from controllers?
- Explain the concept of partials and layouts in Rails views.
- What is the difference between before_action, after_action, and around_action?
- How do you perform caching in Rails? What are the different types of caching?
- What is a Rails callback? Provide examples of before_save, after_save, and before_validation.
- What are concerns in Rails? How are they used to organize code?
- Explain the difference between a polymorphic association and a single-table inheritance (STI).
- What is the purpose of the Rails routes.rb file? How do you define custom routes?
Expert Questions
- What is the difference between eager loading and lazy loading in Rails? How can you optimize queries?
- Explain how Rails handles security. What is CSRF protection and how does Rails implement it?
- How do you implement background jobs in Rails? What tools or gems can be used?
- How does Rails support API development? What is the difference between Rails API-only and full-stack applications?
- Explain the role of ActiveJob in Rails. How would you use it with a background job processor like Sidekiq?
- What is a service object in Rails? Why is it useful for complex business logic?
- How do you handle N+1 query problems in Rails? Provide an example.
- What are Rails engines? How do you create and integrate them into a Rails application?
- Explain the differences between session, cookies, and flash in Rails.
- How do you implement multitenancy in a Rails application? What are the challenges?
General Bonus Questions (Advanced Rails Concepts)
- How would you profile and debug performance issues in a Rails app?
- What are the key differences between Rails 5, Rails 6, and Rails 7?
- How would you set up WebSockets in a Rails application? Explain with ActionCable.
- How does Rails handle file uploads? What are the differences between ActiveStorage and third-party tools like CarrierWave / S3 Bucket?
- Explain how Rails manages dependencies and gems with Bundler.
- How would you scale a Rails application to handle high traffic?
- What are the differences between using puma, unicorn, or Passenger as the Rails web server?
- How do you write integration and unit tests in Rails?
- How do you manage database transactions in Rails for complex workflows?
- How do you set up and optimize ActionMailer for sending emails in a Rails application?
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