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RTMP Server Development with Red5 Server Series: Capturing RTMP Traffic with Wireshark

When you're developing any non-http application, it's necessary to capture traffic (in most cases) with a capture traffic tool like Wireshark, and if you're developing a RTMP server for an old Flash application, then you will find very useful tools of this type.

Understanding how to use Wireshark to capture RTMP traffic

When I started to use Wireshark to record RTMP traffic, I found some useful information to capture RTMP traffic using Wireshark.

First, I found that usually, RTMP (Real-Time Messaging Protocol) is based on TCP (Datagram Delivery Protocol) as its transport protocol, which in most cases, uses Ethernet as its transport protocol. This information can be found in the Wireshark's wiki.

Second, when I tried to capture RTMP traffic using the previous information in a Windows 11 device, I got a error message from Npcap like this:

Npcap Error in Windows 11

This is when, while trying to find a fix for this error message on Internet, I found this issue in the official Npcap repository, which specifies this error message when using Wireshark in Windows 11 devices.

Moving forward in the issue's conversation, I reached this comment, which describes that this issue is fixed when using Npcap 1.60 instead of lasts versions.


  1. Real-Time Messaging Protocol (RTMP)

  2. Transmission Control Protocol (TCP)

  3. Using Npcap 1.60 to capture RTMP traffic in Windows 11

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