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Juliana Macêdo
Juliana Macêdo

Posted on • Originally published at Medium

Atomic Design in Frontend (english)

I have been working with web development since 2009, and over the years, I have witnessed a significant evolution in frameworks and development standards. One of the most significant changes was the rise of component-based development, which today stands out as one of the main approaches.

Component-based development is a software development approach where systems are built from independent parts, called components, which can be reused in different parts of a project or even across different projects. In the front-end, tools like React, Angular, and Vue.js heavily utilize this concept.

As we know, nothing is perfect, and this approach comes with some challenges, such as:

  • What is the ideal size for a component?
  • How should they be organized?
  • How can we preserve reusability?

Atomic Design helps us address these challenges.

What is Atomic Design?

Atomic Design is an interface design methodology proposed by Brad Frost, aiming to create more consistent and scalable design systems. It is based on the concept that an interface can be broken down into small, reusable parts.

In front-end development, Atomic Design is an approach to creating component systems in a modular and scalable way. The methodology allows for building the interface from reusable components, organized hierarchically from the simplest to the most complex, facilitating development, maintenance, and scalability of the project.

Atomic Design suggests dividing components into 5 stages:

1. Atoms: These are the simplest and most basic elements of the interface, which cannot be broken down into smaller parts. They are independent and usually have no behavior on their own. Atoms can be basic HTML tags or CSS variables, such as colors, fonts, spacing, and animations.

2. Molecules: These are combinations of atoms that work together to form a minimal functionality. Molecules have a more defined behavior and often represent small parts of the interface.

3. Organisms: These are groups of molecules and atoms that form more complex and distinct sections of the interface. An organism might represent a complete functional area of a page.

4. Templates: Templates are layouts composed of organisms, structurally organized to form the structure of a page. However, templates are still at the layout level, without specific data.

5. Pages: Pages are specific instances of templates, where real content and data are filled in. Pages represent the most concrete stage of Atomic Design, reflecting the final version the user will see.

For those who want to dive deeper, the full version of the article is available on Medium. There, I included practical examples, code snippets, and images to illustrate each concept in detail.

👉 Check out the full article on Medium

I hope this content is helpful for those looking to improve the organization and scalability of their frontend projects! If you have any questions or want to discuss the topic further, feel free to comment here or on Medium.

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Top comments (1)

programmerraja profile image

This is a great overview of Atomic Design and how it can be applied to frontend development. I especially appreciate the clear breakdown of the five stages and the emphasis on reusability. I'm looking forward to checking out your full article on Medium!